Origin of the name Arslan
The name Arslan has ancient Turkic roots; its history should be sought in ancient times, during the Persian conquests of Greece. It is translated from Persian as “lion”. Gradually, from the Persian language the name spread to other Turkic languages, and in accordance with the phonetic features of the Turkic languages, it received a different sound, and in some places a related to the initial, but slightly different semantic content. Thus, in Turkish “arsl” is translated as “wild”, and “an” is translated as “beast”.
In other languages, variants of the name Arslan sound like Ruslan – “white lion”, Arslen, Arselen. The shortened forms of the name Arslan and Alen have now become independent names.
The name Arslan is widespread in Arab countries, among Tatars, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, and in Africa. It can be found in India and Pakistan. In Russia it came during the Middle Ages with the Tatar-Mongol conquerors. However, the variant of the name – Ruslan, inspired by Pushkin’s romance, gained great popularity. Due to its good compatibility with Russian patronymics and surnames, as well as its euphony.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Arslan
As a child, Arslan is an energetic boy, known as a hooligan, and does not do without fights. But he has a sense of nobility – he doesn’t offend girls, he doesn’t fight with younger ones. Arslan is not afraid of the dark; monsters and monsters do not scare him.
He is assertive, having set a goal for himself, he goes towards it persistently. He doesn’t like to be last in his studies and constantly strives to lead. The boy is physically developed and can successfully attend several sports clubs. In addition to sports, he can be interested in theater, dancing, and drawing.
Over the years, Arslan becomes more authoritative and demanding. He strives for material well-being, comfort, and recognition of his talents. He tries to take a leadership position in the company. But he doesn’t have many real friends, although he has enough friends.
Arslan is reliable, always keeps his word, and is not afraid of hard work. However, in any work, Arslan must see the prospect of development, growth and financial reward. Arslan does not intend to work for the sake of the idea.
Arslan values family ties very much. He is always ready to help without any questions, without demanding gratitude. Other people’s problems are as important to him as his own. But Arslan prefers not to reveal his troubles; he believes that this is an indicator of his weakness and insolvency.
Arslan chooses expensive hobbies, these could be luxury cars or luxury vacations. He is ready to pay a lot of money to have carefree fun with friends.
Work is of great importance to Arslan. It is here that he tries to realize his ambitions, achieve success and wealth. Arslan is suitable for leadership positions, his colleagues respect him, and his superiors appreciate him. Often he prefers to run his own business, which is very successful, because Arslan makes decisions carefully and does not take unnecessary risks. A man with this name can be an athlete, writer, or designer.
It is difficult for Arslan to build a family, he tends to get carried away, and love for him does not equal loyalty. At the same time, he is very demanding, loves comfort and coziness. The wife should not only be kind and forgive him for minor affairs, but also always look great and take care of herself. Arslan is strict with children.
Name days:
May 23, July 13
Diminutive version
Aslanchik, Arsyusha, Arsichek, Arslanchik
Arsik, Ars, Ara
According to the church
- crimson
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