Origin of the name Arsen

Initially, this name was used as a shortened form of the name Arseny. Subsequently, the name Arsen became very popular in Armenia, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, France and the Czech Republic. Translated from Greek, “Arsenios” means man, courageous, masculine, fearless, mature. In the Armenian language there is a word “arsin”, which is translated as “stork”. This name speaks of the courage and determination of the owner – he often takes risks and always completes the work he has begun.

The history of the origin of the name Arseny begins in the 4th century, at which time the hermit monk Arseny the Great lived. He was born into a Christian family in Rome, was well educated, and the Roman Emperor Theodosius entrusted the young man with the upbringing of his children. At a conscious age, he became a monk and became a recluse. He gained fame thanks to his virtuous life and the instructions on monasticism recorded by his disciples. Arseny the Great became a model of masculinity and great fortitude.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Arsen

The bearer of the name is characterized as a sociable, impulsive, arrogant, uncompromising and narcissistic person with pronounced leadership qualities. He wants to gain everyone’s respect and have power. A man puts himself above others, often argues and conflicts with people around him, and does not yield to anyone. He always has his own opinion, his own point of view. Arsene is determined and unshakable, instantly flares up.

As a rule, this is a talented and successful person, a good family man. His strengths include such qualities as determination, dedication, hard work, perseverance, honesty and fairness, self-confidence and self-sufficiency, the ability to solve difficult tasks and overcome difficult obstacles. A man is hardworking, conscientious, a good organizer, energetic, can lead those around him, and become an authority for many. Arsen is distinguished by his inventiveness, ambition, and his views on life are conservative.

He grows up as a problem-free, very disciplined child, tries to help, become useful, and is responsible for his actions. He does not like to get into a fight and defend what is right with his fists, he goes for reconciliation so as not to quarrel with friends, although he may have a different point of view.

This is a demanding partner; he needs to experience sincere admiration for his chosen one. The other half should appreciate his extraordinary character traits and share his attitude towards seed values. The man will be a caring father and an attentive spouse. He does not abandon friends in trouble, he will try to help in word or deed, he will provide support and will never betray.

The choice of profession can be influenced by one’s environment. Arsen can become a doctor, a lawyer, an art critic, or a designer. In the future, a man will achieve a leadership position.

Name days:

February 1, February 28, February 29, March 3, March 15, May 12, May 21, June 25, July 15, July 25, August 13, September 6, September 10, September 12, October 10, October 19, December 3 , December 26

Diminutive version

Arsenyushka, Senya, Arsuta, Arsyushka, Arsenya, Arsyushenka, Arsenechka, Arsyusha


Senya, Arso, Arsi

According to the church



  • brown
  • vinous


  • Mercury


  • air

Stone talisman

amethyst, jade




iris, ash

Totem animal

bull, doe, cat

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