History of the origin of the name Armin

The name Armina has several origins.

Some scholars believe that the roots of the name Armin should be sought in the Armenian language. The name is translated from Armenian as “fate”. Moreover, in the ancient Persian language Armina (آرمین) was called Armenia.

The second version traces the name Armin to the Germanic languages. Among the ancient Germans, Ermen is the god of war, and “armee mann” is an armed man, a warrior. German variant of the sound of the name Arminius. In English, the phrase “arian man” means “Aryan”.

Adherents of the third version believe that the name Armin is Hebrew and is translated as “fortress”, “high tower”.

If we consider the name Armina as a female version of the name Armen, then it is of Greek origin and means “person from Armenia.”

The name Armin is widespread in the Caucasus, as well as in Central Asia, Egypt, India, and Pakistan. In accordance with the norms of various national languages, it has pronunciation options: Armena, Armine, Army. The name Armina is very popular among Armenians. In Russia this name is quite rare.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Armina

As a child, Armina is a modest and responsible girl. She carries out her parental assignments diligently and happily takes care of her younger brothers and sisters, if there are any in the family. It seems to parents that they are raising a golden child, but this is not always the case. Armina does not like to share her experiences and often hides problems even from those closest to her. Nature has endowed the girl with artistic talent, but she does not like the public. Armina prefers to spend time alone.

At school, Armina studies both the humanities and the exact sciences equally well. It is very difficult for her to decide which direction she prefers. In the future, this will lead to difficulties in choosing a profession.

Armina is balanced, conscientious, calm. Generous, but not wasteful. She never throws money away and can be frugal if necessary. Armina knows how to set clear goals and go towards them. She is not lazy, does not feel sorry for herself, for this she is valued and respected by both friends and superiors.

Armina is very attached to her parents. She tries in every possible way to help them, to protect them from worries and problems. She is also kind to her friends. Armina can drop everything she’s doing to come to the aid of a friend, but she always expects a reciprocal response. She does not accept ingratitude.

Armina is trying to choose a profession where her strict mind would be combined with a rich imagination. She can become an architect, engineer, interior or landscape designer, or create clothing or jewelry. The profession of an animator, educator or teacher is also suitable for Armina.

Armina is not deprived of male attention, but she is in no hurry to get married. It is important for her to realize herself in her work, gain experience, and find her place in life. Only then is she ready to start a family with an attentive, kind, intelligent man. Armina is a good housewife, her house is always full of guests. But a woman is not ready to devote herself completely to her family; she constantly needs to communicate with colleagues and develop her professional qualities. Armina is a good, attentive mother. Sometimes she is too kind and undemanding, but her relationship with children does not suffer from this.

Name days:

April 9, August 6

Diminutive version

Arminochka, Arminushka, Minochka


Meena, Ari, Amma

According to the church



  • gray
  • tomato


  • Venus


  • water

Stone talisman

beryl, opal, garnet





Totem animal

swan, jungle cat

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