History of the origin of the name Arman

The male name Arman does not have a single version of origin. According to one version, the name Arman is a name of ancient Germanic origin, which translated means “strong man” or “warrior”.

According to the second version of the origin, the name Arman comes from Persia and translated from ancient Persian means “cherished desire,” “dream,” or “aspiration.” There is also an Armenian version of the origin of this name. In Armenia, the name Arman even has synonyms Armen or Armenians.

In English, the name Arman is spelled Arman. In Europe, modified versions of this name are used. In German there are variants Hartmann (Hartmann, Hartmann, Hartman) and Erdmann (Erdmann). The French use the name Armand. Among the Kazakhs, the name Arman is identical to the name Erman. There are also synonyms such as Herman, Armando, Armand, Mandt, Mandito and others.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Arman

Arman is a generous, charming and kind person, but at the same time he is strong-willed, independent and strict. Arman is attentive to others. He is a devoted friend who you can rely on in difficult life situations. His friends love him and admire his actions. However, Arman will not allow himself to be used. Arman is a bright, extraordinary personality, he has a developed sense of humor, it’s interesting and fun to be with him. Arman is always confident in his abilities. He is never in a bad mood.

As a child, Arman is an inquisitive, energetic boy who studies diligently at school and is considered one of the best students. He is talented, interested in painting, and reads a lot. Arman loves to be a leader in a team. He has no tolerance for those who lie.

Arman may develop negative character traits such as nervousness and stubbornness. He may always consider himself right and not listen to the opinions of others. Even if it is obvious that he is wrong, he can still insist on his own.

Arman is a very hardworking person; he considers his career to be the main thing in his life. Arman has a powerful intellect that allows him to become a prominent scientist or researcher. Arman will make a good leader. He always develops trusting relationships with his work colleagues. He always helps those in need and people respect him. He has rich creative potential and can become a writer, actor, artist, designer or photographer. Arman can also choose the profession of an economist, logistician or restaurateur.

Arman knows how to please women and looks after them beautifully. He starts a family quite late, as he is very demanding of applicants. He is looking for a homely, economic woman without bad habits, who dreams of a cozy home and knows how to cook well. In addition, Armand’s wife should not contradict him. Arman treats children well, but believes that his wife should be involved in raising them. He tries to provide well for his family financially. His house is always open to friends.

Name days:

23 December

Diminutive version

Armanchyk, Armasha, Arik, Arykusha, Armulya


Dino, Dinetto, Nando, Nandino

According to the church



  • dark green


  • Saturn


  • air

Stone talisman

beryl, pink opal





Totem animal


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