History of the origin of the name Arkhip

The male name Arkhip came to Rus’ from Ancient Greece. It comes from the ancient Greek name Archippos, which consists of two words. The word “archi” is translated as “highest”, “great”, “most important”, and the word “ippo” means “horse” or “chariot”. Therefore, the name Arkhip is translated as “chief over horses”, “senior horseman”, “driver of the chariot” or “lord of the horses”.

This name became popular in the world during the spread of Christianity, as it was borne by an associate of the Apostle Paul. This name is revered by Orthodox and Catholics. In English and German the name Arkhip is written as Archippus, in French – Archippe, in Finnish – Arhippa.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Arkhip

Arkhip is an active, dynamic, sociable, unusually kind, peace-loving and friendly person. For him, the meaning of life is to do good deeds. And the goal is respect for society.

Arkhip has such positive qualities as reliability, patience, perseverance in achieving goals, honesty, sincerity, discipline and responsibility. He has a developed sense of humor. Arkhip knows how to make friends and help friends when necessary.

Arkhip’s shortcomings can be meticulousness, tediousness, tight-fistedness, and cowardice. These traits can appear if a boy is raised incorrectly.

Arkhip has an unusually wide range of interests. This includes history, medicine, architecture, theology and even healing. He is well versed in painting, music and literature, over the years becoming a subtle and competent connoisseur of art. He loves to travel. Arkhip is unusually neat and clean. His home is always sparkling clean.

Arkhip independently chooses his profession and strives to achieve heights in it. He is a researcher by nature, so in any field of activity he looks for unexplored areas and concentrates all his efforts on them, working hard.

Arkhip will make an excellent scientist. He works thoughtfully and slowly. He does the job efficiently. He can become a famous criminologist, doctor, lawyer. Arkhip always enjoys well-deserved authority in the team due to his friendliness, seriousness and efficiency. He can achieve extraordinary success in his career. Having good organizational skills, he can become a talented leader, although he is more interested in development in his chosen profession.

In women, Arkhip looks for not only bright appearance, but also intelligence. It is very difficult for this shy person to confess his love, so the search for the chosen one may take a long time. A wife should be an intelligent, self-confident woman. She should become for Arkhip not only a loving wife, but also a like-minded person. Arkhip will always be an exceptionally faithful and devoted husband, as well as an exemplary father, patiently and calmly raising his children. He will try to serve as an example for them in everything.

Name days:

January 17, March 4, July 19, October 19, December 5

Diminutive version

Arkhipchik, Arkhipochka, Archiponka, Arkhipushka


Archipka, Arya, Arik

According to the church



  • ocher


  • Mercury


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal

trumpeter shell

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