Origin of the name Ariana
There is no clear opinion about the origin of this name. The geography of the mention of the name Ariana in antiquity is extensive. And the Greeks, and the ancient Muslim peoples, and even the Aryans mention Ariana and the derivatives of this name: Irian, Ariadne, Ariana.
The Greeks left behind many legends about their heroes and their lives. In the stories about the exploits of Theseus, Ariadne is mentioned, the daughter of King Fr. Crete – Minos. It was she who helped Theseus find the way out of the labyrinth. Fearing her father’s wrath, she fled with the hero to his family in Athens. But the Olympians (gods) had a special plan for her. They forced Theseus to leave Ariadne on the island of Naxos. Where, after parting with Theseus, she became the wife of Dionysus and gained immortality.
Another variant of the appearance of this name is considered to be a derivative from the name of the Greek god of war. Ares, Aris (Arey) are different versions of his name. Ariana, literally given to Ares.
Another plausible version of the appearance of the name Ariana can be considered as a derivative of the name of an entire nation – Aryans.
It is believed that they originally lived on the coast of the Black Sea, which in ancient times was a freshwater lake. Due to a strong earthquake, salty waters of the Mediterranean Sea entered it and life in the coastal zone became completely uncomfortable. The Aryans began to settle deeper into the continent. The descendants of the Aryans are considered to be speakers of languages of the Indo-Aryan group.
The name Ariana is translated from many languages and does not always have the same meaning.
India, Pakistan, Afghanistan – free.
Greece is pure.
From Hebrew – lioness.
Scandinavia is the lady, the noblest.
Do those with the name Ariana have these qualities?
Meaning and characteristics of the name Ariana
Freedom means a lot to Ariana. Excessive pressure from outside in any matter causes her not just hidden dissatisfaction. Sometimes she may give up what she was doing because of outside influence, even if she really liked it.
Ariana is impatient, and the lack of immediate results can also cause her to abandon her plans. You should approach such people very carefully with recommendations and questions.
She is shy, but loves fun and noisy companies. And if she feels comfortable, she instantly opens up and becomes the soul of any party.
Arians are optimistic about life, love change and instantly adapt to new conditions. And given their love of freedom and intolerance, changes in their lives happen often.
Dreamy and purposeful, Ariana tries with all her might to make her dreams come true. And very often she succeeds with great success. She is independent and hardworking. And this is a good basis for realizing your fantasies.
There are many famous people who bear the name Ariana. These are athletes, artists, politicians, journalists. And each of them strives to be the best in their environment. And the main character traits help them achieve the desired heights.
Name days:
September 4, September 17, October 1, December 11
Diminutive version
Arianushka, Rianochka, Arianochka,
Ria, Ari, Riya
According to the church
- red
- Sun
- fire
Stone talisman
rock crystal, diamond, jasper, garnet
chrome, nickel
aster, lily
Totem animal