History of the origin of the name Apollinaris

The origin of the name Apollinaris is closely connected with ancient Greek mythology. Linguists believe that it was based on the name of the god Apollo. It was this god, the son of Zeus and Latona, that the Greeks considered one of the most influential on Olympus. The superbly built and handsome Apollo was an outstanding clairvoyant who knew how to predict destinies, patronized the arts, and was the leader of the muses. Apollo is the god of light, just like the Sun, he had a dual nature: he could caress the Earth with gentle beneficial rays, or dry it up with scorching heat. In our language the name Apollinaris is not widely used. However, when considering it, we must not forget about the famous artist Apollinaria Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, through whose efforts a real artistic chronicle of old Moscow was created. Deep love for the Motherland and everything Russian allowed the landscape painter Vasnetsov to become a great artist, glorifying the life of the Russian people in all its manifestations.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Apollinaris

The name Apollinaris has two meanings – “belonging to Apollo” and “destructive”. Parents are not overjoyed at little Apollosha – this boy is so self-possessed and balanced that he does not cause any concern at all. His favorite pastime is reading, Apollinaris likes to read about adventures. As he gets older, he will read about love with the same pleasure. Apollinaris is a diligent student, he understands well why education is needed and is not at all inclined to waste time on ordinary boyish pranks. But he is a good friend, he will never refuse to help a classmate – he will explain how an example is solved, or simply let him copy his homework.

Already in his youth, Apollinaris becomes a big admirer of female beauty. He can be seen next to the first beauty of the class, carrying her briefcase on the way from school. Apollinaris does not pay any attention to the ridicule of his classmates about this. Nature has endowed Apollinaris with good health, but he needs to learn to observe moderation in work and food. He is very active and cheerful, but carefully hides these qualities under external coldness and some arrogance. Apollinaris always strives to become first among equals, achieving this through his own hard work. The bearer of this name has many outstanding qualities: he is very observant, has excellent memory and intuition. When choosing a profession, Apollinaris should think about a career as a scientist, surgeon, psychologist, or writer.

Negative character traits of Apollinaris include an excessive tendency to daydreaming and fantasizing. However, it is precisely this trait that can bring him to a high level of professionalism if Apollinaris becomes a journalist, writer, or poet. The subtle mental organization of the bearer of this name makes him very vulnerable; he needs understanding and love. Apollinaris is an excellent family man; he enjoys raising children, showing reasonable demands and affection towards them. Having chosen a profession to his liking, he will definitely reach career heights in it, because he is distinguished by inexhaustible hard work and rare perseverance.

Name days:

18 June

Diminutive version

Apollonushka, Apollosha, Apola


Fields, Alya, Apa

According to the church



  • violet


  • Uran


  • air

Stone talisman






Totem animal

electric eel

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