Origin of the name Anwar

The male name Anwar is of Arabic origin. The meaning of this name is “radiant.” By calling the boy this name, the parents believed that their son had come into this world to do good. A man named Anwar should radiate inner light and be a source of joy and happiness for people.

The name Anwar is often used among Asian peoples who practice Islam. In English this name is written as Anwar.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Anwar

Anwar is an extraordinary, intelligent, fair, with pronounced masculine character traits and a spiritually rich person. He is ambitious and purposeful. Anwar is a very energetic person, persistently and decisively moving towards his goal. He is devoted to his friends and can sacrifice his interests for them. Anwar is distinguished by his kindness and can selflessly help even a stranger.

As a child, Anwar is a somewhat unbalanced boy. But he knows how to deal with his emotions well. He is a capable student, polite and responsible. He plays sports, usually boxing or wrestling. Anwar has a well-developed imagination, he loves to read, and knows how to captivate his peers with his stories. Anwar has a talent for drawing, and he tries to develop it by participating in exhibitions and competitions.

Anwar may have such negative character traits as selfishness, resourcefulness, hot temper, and vanity. He may have a hard time experiencing his failures and become depressed. Often Anwar is not known for his quick reaction and thinking. May suffer from disorganization and be fussy.

Anwar is a hardworking person and usually achieves the desired result in life. He has the ability to analyze and correctly interpret facts when making important decisions. Anwar can become a talented mathematician, a famous doctor or designer. He can also choose a creative profession, for example, an actor or an artist.

In his youth, Anwar was a very amorous young man. He goes through the girls in search of his ideal, each time being disappointed. As Anwar matures, he begins to realize that perfection is impossible to find. He chooses a modest, kind and thrifty girl as his wife. Having married, Anwar turns into a caring husband. He values ​​his family, treats his wife with respect and love, and helps her with household chores. Anwar is a very good son, he loves his parents, appreciates their advice and tries to help them. He loves pets and usually has a dog at home.

Name days:


Diminutive version




According to the church




  • Луна


  • water

Stone talisman





cabbage, melon

Totem animal

frog, owl

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