History of the origin of the name Antonina

Antonina is a Russian female name, the history of which is associated with the advent of Christianity in Rus’. The name has several versions of origin. According to one of them, Antonina is the feminine form of the Roman names Antoninus and Antonius, emperors of the ancient Roman Antonian dynasty. According to another version, it is of Greek origin and comes from the word “antao”, the meaning of which is “acquiring in return.” According to the church calendar, Antonina’s name day is celebrated several times a year.

On March 14 and June 26, the church honors the memory of the holy martyr Antonina of Nicaea, who was drowned by order of Emperor Maximian in the XNUMXth century, during the persecution of Christians.

June 23 is the day of remembrance of Antonin of Crodamn, a virgin, martyr, who, for her devotion to the Christian faith, was thrown alive into a fiery pit and covered with earth.

The short form of the name is Tonya, Tosya, Nyusya, Tonyura, the diminutive form of the name is Tonechka, Antoninka, Antosya, Antosha.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Antonina

The owner of the name has a calm and good-natured character, despite the meaning of her name, which calls for decisive action. Antonina is trusting and responsive, it is these qualities that attract people to her. People around her, friends, relatives love her and turn to her for help and advice. She lives by the principle: how you treat people is how they treat you. Since childhood, she grows up as her mother’s assistant, takes pleasure in taking care of her younger brothers or sisters, and takes patronage over them. In the future, he chooses professions related to pedagogy and social work. Tony will make a good doctor, psychologist, educator. She is an excellent performer and will justify the trust of any team – she responsibly carries out all assignments and takes on difficult tasks. She becomes a boss less often and is overly strict and despotic in her role as a leader. She does not consider her career a priority in life, although she sincerely believes that she deserves a beautiful life, not overshadowed by hard work. For her, harmony and harmony in the family are more important; she dreams of being a wealthy housewife.

Antonina has amazing intuition and the gift of prophecy. She has developed artistic abilities and a rich imagination. Tonya is a dreamy, romantic and sentimental person who needs time to be alone with herself, in her dreams. She gives the impression of being defenseless and fragile, but in fact she can stand up for herself and does not let anyone hurt her.

Antonina is feminine and soft, her femininity is clearly expressed in her appearance: in the smooth lines of her figure, her cat-like gait. Her movements are unhurried and graceful. Since her youth, Antonina has had a huge number of fans, to whom she simply does not pay attention, without thinking about the fact that this causes a heart wound. She chooses her future husband for a long time; after getting married, she becomes an exemplary wife and a real homemaker. She is a devoted and faithful wife, a skillful, economical housewife and a caring mother. She is inclined to sacrifice, in order to save the family, she is ready to tolerate her husband’s drunkenness or come to terms with his infidelity. Her house is always open to guests, she is able to listen to everyone and help in trouble.

Name days:

January 10, January 22, January 30, March 1, March 14, April 29, May 4, June 12, June 23, June 26, August 10, October 27

Diminutive version

Antoninka, Antoninochka, Antoninushka, Antoninonka, Antoninchik, Tonechka, Tonyushka, Tonyusha, Ninochka, Ninushka, Ninchik


Tonya, Tonka, Tokha, Tosya, Antoshka, Nina, Ninka

According to the church



  • blue


  • Jupiter


  • water

Stone talisman





willow, lily

Totem animal


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