- History of the origin of the name Anton
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Anton
- Character traits of the name Anton
- Anton’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession, business, Anton’s career
- Anton’s health
- Name Anton for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Anton
There are several versions of the origin of the name Anton. One of them is that the name indicates belonging to the Slavic tribe of Antes, famous for their martial art. From the ancient Greek language the name is translated as “eager to fight, entering into battle” or as the adjective “compete”, which does not contradict the first version of the origin of the name. It may mean warlike, like an ant. Meaning “warlike,” “competitive” refers to the characteristics of the Greek mythological hero Dionysus. In the meaning of “opposite, opposing” is the basis of the definition of “antonym” – a word that is opposite in meaning.
The ancient Iranian word antas means “end, edge, outskirts”, antyas – “located on the edge”, thus the word anta can mean “border resident”. In the Georgian language this name means “warrior”, “leader of warriors”. The Turkic word ant means “oath”.
The main version of the origin of the name Anton is Latin. This is the family name of the patrician family – Antoniev, Antonius, which was given to the eldest sons. There is a version that the Latin family name Anthony has Etruscan roots.
The female names Antonina and Antonida mean “daughter of Anthony.”
The name Anton is widespread and has its own form in almost every language – Anthony, Antony, Antone, Antoine, Antonin, Totono, and in Norway – Tonic.
The Church Orthodox form of the name is Anthony. One of the Russian saints is Anthony the Roman, who, having been orphaned, chose the path of the hermit. At the end of his life, he founded a monastery in Novgorod, where he died.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Anton
The qualitative characteristics of the name Anton in sound are as follows: good, big, courageous, active, strong, simple, beautiful, smooth, majestic, bright, round, joyful, loud, brave, powerful. That is, a person named Anton gives the impression of a strong, strong-willed, courageous person, but easy to communicate with. This person is the center of attention, has a light character, and is an optimist. This is a sonorous, beautiful name for a man. At the same time, the form of the name “Antony” is devoid of masculinity and courage, is more strict, devoid of gaiety, although it remains simple.
In the letter analysis, the first three letters are considered – Ant, which are common to the forms of the name in the Russian language – Anton, Antony, Antosha, Antoshka, Antokha, etc. and have the greatest influence on the personality.
The letter A is a symbol of any undertaking and beginning as such, a symbol of the desire for physical and spiritual balance, for leadership, and self-expression. The letter N in the name defines a sharp mind, a penchant for analysis, selectivity in everything, the unacceptability of omnivorousness, both in the physical and spiritual sense, a tendency to contradictions, a desire for spiritual and physical health. This letter gives the bearer diligence, diligence, responsibility, selectivity in communication and emotional attachments, in words and deeds, honesty, charm, and diversified development. These people need the support of loved ones, they are good family men and excellent parents.
People with the letter T in the first half of their name are sensitive, prone to creativity and inventiveness, and creative individuals. They are characterized by sacrifice, passion, sexuality, extraordinary actions, non-standard thinking, and hatred of monotony. These are lovers of truth and fighters. They get carried away and fall in love at first sight. But they are often in poor health.
Thus, the meaning of the name is confirmed – “opposite”, “eager to fight”, “competing”. These are creators, writers, poets, artists, musicians, but also strongholds of faith, military leaders, doctors, scientists.
Character traits of the name Anton
Anton is charming, knows how to win over, and easily fits into the team. Although with some difficulty, he knows how to be the center of attention, although for him it is a painful burden. He keeps his feelings and experiences to himself, is secretive, and prone to self-examination, like a typical introvert. He is silent. Doesn’t even share with loved ones. But at the same time, Anton is a devoted friend, he is kind and patient with his friends, and is capable of self-sacrifice.
These are smart, broad-minded, easily trained people with a good memory. They are characterized by patience; they take the time to carefully study the situation before making a decision. These are freedom-loving, courageous people. They are objective and fair. Prone to sentimentality.
Anton has a well-developed intuition, which he trusts wholeheartedly, even depends on it. He has creative, synthetic thinking and is talented. Does not accept pressure and restrictions, independent. Anton is responsible and never gets involved in adventures. The bearer of this name is efficient, spares no effort to achieve mastery, reads a lot, is decisive and independent in making decisions. Anton experiences failures and criticism painfully and often doubts his abilities. Due to feelings of uncertainty, fear, he can become aggressive, impulsive, and loses self-control. At such moments, Anton goes to extremes, rushing from modesty to arrogance. Likes to drink.
Anton, born in winter, and especially in January, has a stronger, more competitive character and is fond of sports. Successful thanks to courage, cunning, and prudence. He is emotional and prone to love adventures. “Autumn” Anton suffers from cowardice, but he carefully hides this defect and constantly overcomes himself and his fears.
Anton’s family and love relationships
Anton strives for ideal love, but on the way to it he starts a love relationship. But even if in love Anton is characterized by some impulsiveness, ardor and inconstancy, he approaches the issue of marriage very responsibly. Often these are women born in the summer. If he is forced to marry, such a family will not see happiness.
Due to Anton’s characteristic secrecy and self-doubt, it can be difficult for him to build a sincere relationship with his wife. But his kindness, patience, and ability to compromise allow him to avoid serious disagreements and maintain a peaceful, friendly atmosphere in the family. Although Anton cannot be called an exemplary husband – he does not like to sit at home, has a lot of hobbies, and sometimes has sexual hobbies on the side. At the same time, Anton is very jealous, out of fear of losing his beloved, he can show aggression. He loves children madly and is ready for selfless acts for their sake. He is a caring and generous father. He has especially good relationships with his daughters.
Anton is attracted to bright women, often with considerable sexual experience and older than him, purposeful and independent. A man with this name himself has increased sexuality, sensuality, and emotionality. These qualities are especially evident in Antonov with the patronymic Dmitrievich. By the age of forty, Anton achieves sexual harmony.
Anton’s relationships are best with women named Irina, Valeria, Marina, Ekaterina, Daria, Yadviga, Tatyana, Christina, Milana.
Choice of profession, business, Anton’s career
Anton amazes with his hard work, dexterity and learning ability. Achieves high results in any business – from household repairs to scientific discoveries. Can become the leader of a small team, engage in science and sports. Due to laziness and lack of determination, he rarely reaches the top of his career. Lack of self-confidence also gets in the way. The best field of activity for Anton is medicine – it is individual development, an endless opportunity to improve one’s skills, and there is no need to build a career.
The Antons are quite good engineers, naturalists, and talented scientists. Their responsible and thoughtful approach helps them in their scientific career. They know how to communicate with the audience, patient mentors. Anton is suited to programming, architecture, design – areas in which creativity is combined with exact science.
Anton’s business situation is worse. He is too indecisive, thinks about decisions for too long, and although he has excellent intuition, he rarely manages to apply it in business.
Anton is very dependent on inspiration. If it is present, it can work quickly, efficiently and efficiently. If not, he is overcome by laziness. That is why among the Antonovs there are so many people of creative professions – musicians, artists, writers. Anton feels comfortable in the army and even reaches certain heights.
Anton’s health
Health is one of the areas in which the inconsistency of the name Anton is fully manifested. In childhood, a child with this name can be very painful, even tender, weak. He may have a fragile constitution, weak skeleton, weak kidneys. May be stunted. It is this weakness that brings Anton into sports. Endurance, patience and efficiency help Anton improve his health and even become a professional athlete or coach.
At the same time, there are many strong, healthy children among the Antonovs; they rarely get sick and play sports for pleasure.
In any case, Anton needs a routine – lack of sleep can seriously unsettle him. He also needs active recreation in the fresh air.
One of Anton’s weak points is his eyes. It is necessary to control vision from childhood, then Anton retains its sharpness until old age.
Name Anton for a child
Anton is very attached to his parents, if his mother is a source of habits and character traits for him, his father is an object of conscious imitation. The child is very dependent on his father, has a hard time with his parents’ divorce, but cannot take anyone’s side. A child named Anton cannot be forced to choose between his parents; for him this is unbearable and even dangerous. The father perceives his refusal to communicate as a betrayal and personal insult.
Anton is a charming and active child, despite his possible stubbornness and secrecy. He strives for independence and independence. It is important for him to have friends and to be a member of a company, although he does not strive for leadership in it. He gets very attached to his friends and follows every lead, so he can get into trouble when he’s with his friends. But Anton’s natural prudence and caution protect him from serious problems and bad habits. He also often shares hobbies with friends; he may choose a sport or a club only because his friend is involved in it.
The general education school rarely attracts Anton; teachers may complain about his indifference, lack of interest, and laziness. But when Anton decides on his passion, chooses a direction and enters a university, his success increases significantly, he is able to surprise with his progress and results.
Name days:
January 18, January 30, March 9, March 13, March 14, March 16, April 21, April 27, May 1, May 2, May 26, June 1, July 7, July 19, July 23, July 25, July 26 , August 16, August 17, October 30, November 22, December 20
Diminutive version
Antonka, Antosha, Antoshka, Antoshenka, Antoshechka, Antosya, Antonya
Toha, Tosha, Antoha, Tosya, Tonya, Antya
According to the church
- red
- yellow
- white
- Sun
- Mercury
- fire
Stone talisman
maple, garlic
Totem animal
lion, cheetah