Origin of the name Anisa

The name Anisa is very rare. There are two versions of the origin of this female name. According to one of them, the name Anisa came from the ancient Arabic language and is translated as a close friend. The name appears frequently in ancient history books. For example, this was the name of 17 companions of the Prophet Muhammad. Among the Arabs, this is a form of respectful address to a girl, which over time became a proper name, like many other words. Other researchers believe that the name Anisa came from Ancient Greece and is a phonetic variant of the name Anisia. In the Orthodox calendar there is a day of remembrance of St. Anisia of Salunskaya, January 12, on the same day Anisa’s name day is celebrated.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Anisa

The meaning of the name Anisa is “close friend”, “friendly”, “affectionate”, “affable”, “interlocutor”, “fulfillment”, “perfect”, “useful”, “completion”, “beneficial”, “woman, in company” with which they calm down.”

As a child, Anisa grows up to be a talented, smart, diligent, active girl. She is calm, not confrontational, so she has many friends. It’s easy to learn, I have an aptitude for both the humanities and the natural sciences. He likes to play sports, go hiking, draw, and write poetry. She is an activist and takes part in all school events. Brave, inquisitive, independent. A creative person with a wonderful imagination. Already in high school he knows where he will go to study. Be sure to receive higher education and enter graduate school. He loves his parents, helps with household chores, enjoys communicating with his grandparents, and finds a common language with everyone. He is sensitive to his younger brothers and sisters and dotes on little children.

Anisa is sociable, flexible, and cheerful. Responsible, obligatory, gives herself entirely to her work, even if she doesn’t really like it. But the owner of this name is trying to find a job she likes. to feel comfortable and happy. He does not strive for career growth; he moves up the career ladder thanks to his hard work and determination. Due to her perseverance and energy, she copes with any task. It is impossible to take her by surprise, she is always ready for any extreme situation, she always finds her way in the current circumstances. Anisa is confident in her abilities, she will always find a way to earn money and spend it easily. The team loves and respects her. Can become a scientist, archaeologist, historian, cosmetologist, culinary specialist, commodity expert. He loves mountaineering and may choose to become a mountain tourism instructor.

Anisa gets married late, out of love, devotes herself to her husband and children, and becomes an affectionate, loving wife and mother. He believes that mutual understanding, fidelity, and stability should reign in a family. She loves spiritual comfort and is happy in marriage. Excellent, clean, hospitable hostess.

Anisa has many friends because she is a sympathetic, friendly person with a sense of humor. He tries to help his friends in any way he can in any situation.

Likes to attend various concerts, go to the theater, and travel around the world. Very capable in needlework, she creates masterpieces with her own hands.

Name days:

12 January

Diminutive version

Anisia, Anisya, Anis



According to the church



  • yellow


  • Sun


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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