Meaning of the name Angelica

Lika, Anzhelichka, Anzhusya, Zhelya, Zhelika – this is how representatives of this name are also affectionately called. And it is no coincidence: the angelic name bestows on its owners charm, external attractiveness and promotes favor with others. Also, the owners of the name are endowed with strong energy, self-confidence, and the ability to stand out from the crowd. These are passionate and temperamental individuals with excellent taste. They love exquisite things, jewelry, and have a special sense of beauty. In this regard, they are well versed in art, painting, and literature. The hallmark is loyalty. Most often, they have friends and loved ones for life.

Characteristics of the name Angelica

Girls named with an angelic name do not create problems in childhood. They are laconic and quiet, capable of obedience. They often help around the house and can be thoughtful and attentive. Already at an early age, girls show their creative abilities. They are drawn to drawing, singing or expressively reading poems. They study well at school, although they rarely become excellent students.

The youth of the representatives of the name is not at all as cloudless. The character of girls changes at this time. From obedient, affectionate children, they turn into rebellious and championship-hungry individuals. If there are leaders among friends, Angeliques will begin to envy them, which will negatively affect their character in the future.

The youth of the “angelic girls” will put everything in its place. They will learn to take control of their emotions. As a result, they will either become more agile in weaving intrigues and getting their way, or loneliness will become their calm.

Personal life

In their early youth, Angelica, showing her individuality too brightly, is often subject to separation from young people. They are maximalists: they want to see ideal candidates in their partners. Otherwise, they don’t need a relationship at all.

With age, views on relationships with partners will change. The character of mature Angeliques will reveal the meekness and patience inherent in the name. Once tied in marriage, Angeliques will sacredly guard their hearth. These are wonderful mothers and wives. They can put their own interests below the interests of children and husbands. In this regard, betrayal is extremely difficult for them to tolerate.


Angeliques find it difficult to put up with routine work within the walls of their own home. However, they will not tolerate boredom and monotony at all in their chosen profession. In the case when a creative profession is chosen, and it fully corresponds to spiritual impulses, Lika achieves enormous success. She knows how to work, make compromises, solve super-tasks and find unconventional ways to implement them. Therefore, most often, representatives of the name are able to provide for themselves independently. Still, money is not the most important attribute of life for them. Much more often, women with this name are highly moral and spiritual individuals.

Name days:

June 29, July 15, October 21

Diminutive version

Anzhelikushka, Anzhelikonka, Anzhelikochka, Anzhelichka


Angela, A?angela, Angelica, Lika

According to the church



  • purple


  • Venus
  • Jupiter


  • land

Stone talisman





aspen, rose

Totem animal


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