- History of the origin of the name Anastasia
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Anastasia
- Character traits of the name Anastasia
- Family and love relationships of Anastasia
- Choice of profession. Business, career of Anastasia
- Anastasia’s health
- Name Anastasia for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Anastasia
The beautiful and gentle female name Anastasia has ancient Greek roots. This name is paired – male and female. Researchers claim that the male name Anastasy appeared first. In its homeland, Greece, it was very popular; the name Anastasius was often called both nobles and commoners. In our country, the male name Anastasy (Anastas) has not become widespread, but the female name Anastasia has always been in demand in all classes, and it has been especially popular in recent decades.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Anastasia
The name Anastasia comes from the ancient Greek word “anastas”, which means “resurrected”, “immortal”, “risen”. The root of the word “anastas” comes from the Indo-European word “sta”, the meaning of which is “to stand”. The name Anastasia very harmoniously combines reliability and tenderness, lightness and simplicity. The sound of the name is a fusion of sparkling, plastic energy with pressure and swiftness.
Anastasia’s character is directly dependent on the time of her birth. Thus, winter Anastasia is distinguished by her sharp mind and extraordinary restraint, while she is very thrifty. She skillfully manages the household and is able to fit within even the most modest budget. However, a thrifty housewife needs to know when to stop, since such frugality over time can turn into banal stinginess.
Spring Anastasia is a romantic, sentimental, creative, very emotional person, prone to some theatricality and tears. She is very amorous, often it is this character trait that makes her suffer. Spring Nastya should be very careful when choosing a profession; the best option will be the one where she can most clearly demonstrate her liveliness and emotionality.
Summer Anastasia is distinguished by her sociability, responsiveness and friendliness; she is always surrounded by many people who expect understanding and support from her. It is useful for Summer Nastya to even somewhat limit the circle of her acquaintances, so as not to turn into a “lifeline” or a “vest for tears” for some of them.
Autumn Anastasia is rightly considered withdrawn, since she is not particularly emotional, and diligently hides her experiences from others. This woman has an analytical mindset; she deliberately limits her circle of contacts.
Character traits of the name Anastasia
By temperament, Nastya is often choleric and has a quick reaction. It is very difficult for Nastya to sit still, she is so mobile, it is not for nothing that bearers of this name are sometimes compared to carrier pigeons. Often Anastasia is very beautiful, it is simply charm and grace embodied. They are characterized by changeable moods, they easily move from wild joy to sadness and tears.
This woman has a very subtle mental attitude, they are distinguished by unmistakable intuition. Nature has endowed many Anastasias with the ability to prophecy, predict the future, and the ability to foresee future events. Even in childhood, the bearers of this name are able to desire so passionately that their desires will certainly come true. This is somewhat frightening for attentive parents, but they just need to teach their baby how to properly use extraordinary abilities so as not to harm other people.
Many Anastasias are distinguished by a powerful analytical mind, capable of driving the most cunning thinkers into a corner. Nastya also has negative traits, which include laziness and coldness towards others. Anastasia often considers herself the salt of the earth, believing that in the whole world there is only herself and a few people close to her. Anastasia is prone to idleness, but if her parents treat Nastya’s upbringing correctly, trying to instill in her a hard work ethic, this girl will not become lazy.
Anastasia is a big dreamer, she has a well-developed imagination. But she gives in to evil and cunning people; she can be easily deceived and offended. For this reason, she needs protection and support throughout her life. Over the years, Nastya’s character improves as she becomes more balanced. By the middle of her life, this woman becomes almost invulnerable – she adapts perfectly to various life situations, adversity is no longer scary to her, since now she knows how to overcome crises with minimal losses.
Family and love relationships of Anastasia
These girls make excellent wives, devoted, caring, and devoid of coquetry. They will never look for adventure on the side. Anastasia devotes herself completely to her children; for her, they are the center of the Universe. She tries to find a common language with her mother-in-law and other relatives of her husband. And she succeeds very well; her new relatives are captivated by Nastya’s openness and loyalty. Anastasia loves and knows how to run a household, but she is not particularly pedantic; attacks of laziness, which sometimes happen to this woman, interfere. Anastasia has a serious hobby in which she simply has no equal – home decoration, she loves to surround herself with flowers and original things. Anastasia’s house is a full bowl; there is always a place for friends and relatives in it.
Typical bearers of this name get married early. They rarely make mistakes in their chosen ones, at the level of intuition giving preference to representatives of law enforcement agencies and military personnel. Next to these strong and reliable people, they feel truly protected. Nastya expects boundless love and care from her husband, exactly the same as what her father gave her as a child. Getting along with Anastasia is not so easy; in her youth she lacks practicality, and frequent mood changes lead to misunderstandings and equally frequent showdowns. If the husband takes charge of family financial affairs and does not become fixated on the characteristics of his wife’s character, the couple will live long, peacefully and happily.
Choice of profession. Business, career of Anastasia
A girl named Anastasia should be more careful when choosing a profession. Being a leader or developing her own business is not for her. She is impractical and not very ambitious; Nastya is also of little interest to money. She lives in her own world, built on dreams and idealistic views, and there is too little room for business relationships here. The list of professions in which Nastya can realize herself is not very long, but they are all related to creativity and communication with people. Anastasia can become a wonderful psychologist, doctor, teacher, educator, and politician. The profession of a journalist, photographer, and actress suits her. She loves traveling, and the profession of a flight attendant should not be discounted either. Many Anastasias have an excellent sense of style and good taste, for this reason they are attracted to creative professions – fashion designer, artist, designer. Girls named Anastasia may display their unique gift of clairvoyance in full force, then they should think about becoming a psychic.
Anastasia’s health
Anastasia cannot complain about her health; it is quite strong. As a child, she may have frequent colds; the girl must be protected from dampness and drafts. For life, she prefers to choose regions with a warm climate, or spend every vacation at seaside resorts. Due to an excessive love for sweets, there may be problems with teeth. Anastasia’s weak nervous system leads to excessive irritability and incontinence. It seems that this girl gets along well with two people: in kindergarten and school she gets along well with her peers, educators, and teachers, and when she returns home, she takes out the irritation accumulated during the day on those closest to her. As a teenager, Nastya sometimes needs the help of a psychologist to overcome shyness and become liberated.
This girl has weak kidneys, she may suffer from diseases of the intestines and pancreas. While driving, women with this name need to be extremely careful; their inattention often becomes the cause of car accidents. Accidents resulting in broken legs are also common. By adulthood, special attention should be paid to gynecological problems; early menopause is a common occurrence for women with this name. In old age, it is important to maintain visual hygiene, otherwise your vision may deteriorate significantly. Varicose veins and rheumatism also often bother the bearers of this name.
Name Anastasia for a child
Little Nastya is an impressionable and vulnerable child. She loves fairy tales very much, and reading at night becomes a kind of ritual for her, without which she does not agree to fall asleep. She desperately needs communication with her peers; attending kindergarten is the best option. Nastya is a great inventor; she likes to come up with her own stories, fairy tales, and game scenarios. If an adult plays any board or outdoor game with this girl, he will have to follow the special rules established by Nastenka.
Nastya is a great needlewoman; she loves everything related to manual labor: modeling, drawing, appliqué. Often her works become the best in a group or class and are chosen for exhibitions. Parents should not skimp on praise; your child needs it like air, it increases her self-esteem and is an incentive for further movement. Nastya needs to be taught to work; the girl has a tendency to spend time idle, which she will no longer be able to overcome in adolescence. At school, the girl tries to study well, but everything depends on her mood. If you don’t like the topic, or the teacher himself, the girl will lose interest in this subject. Nastya is kind, sociable, incapable of lies and meanness, she always has many friends. Parents should help their daughter when choosing a further place of study; Nastya can achieve great heights in any creative profession.
Name days:
January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, June 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11, November 12, December 26
Diminutive version
Anastasia, Anastaska, Nayusya, Nastasya, Nastya, Nastyula, Nastyunya, Nastyusha, Nastusya
Nastya, Nasya, Nata, Naya, Nyusya, Nastyukha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Syusha, Asyuta
According to the church
- dark green
- Pluto
- water
Stone talisman
jasmine, orchid
Totem animal
Siamese cat