Origin of the name Anara
The name Anara has several variants of origin and interpretation.
The name Anara is most often associated with pomegranate. So, from Tatar it is translated as “pomegranate fruit”, from Iranian, Moroccan and Tajik – “pomegranate flower”, from Kazakh – “pomegranate”. The name Gulnara, common in Turkic languages, has the same meaning.
In Kazakh and other eastern cultures, pomegranate is associated with numerous healthy offspring. Traditionally, having many children is a goal that every family should strive for. Therefore, the name Anara is a kind of wish for the bearer to give birth to many children, thereby strengthening her family and ensuring its prosperity.
From Azerbaijani the name Anara is translated as “understanding”, “sensitive”, “attentive”, from Arabic – as “ray”, “light”, “glimmer”. Variants of the name Anar are the names: Anora, Anar.
The name Anara is popular among Muslims: Tatars, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Uzbeks. It is also widespread in Turkey, Morocco, and Pakistan. In Russia, the name Anara is rare.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Anara
As a child, Anara was an active and inventive girl. She is very proud and touchy and never gives in to anyone. Able to argue and be stubborn until she achieves what she wants. Anara loves music and poetry; they awaken the best feelings in her soul. She may also be interested in sports. The girl does not gravitate toward exact sciences, but tries to understand and comprehend them because of her love for universal approval.
Anara cannot live without admiration and love. Therefore, she diligently monitors her appearance and actions. The character of this girl is contradictory. She is prone to idealism, but values her financial situation. Cannot do without outside help, but gravitates towards individualism. Anara often combines daydreaming with pragmatism.
Anara has a sharp mind and creative thinking. She is able to resolve difficult situations, clearly set goals and go towards them, regardless of the means. She wants to dominate others, but at the same time she is prone to effective teamwork. When Anara works in a team, she is of little interest in the direction of activity. She can devote herself to politics, sports, art, and charity.
Anara is able to find herself in many activities. She can become a film critic, actress, art critic, thereby realizing her rich imagination and sensitivity. Creativity and communication skills open the way for Anara to the tourism or hotel business, sports, and innovative technologies. The desire to achieve material well-being and power leads Anara into politics or the financial sphere.
Success in love relationships is very important to Anara. She loves to attract attention and dominate the hearts of men. To win her heart, a man must not only be successful and good-looking, but also discern carefully hidden sentimentality in Anara. However, this should not be considered Anara’s weakness; she is sensitive and romantic only at the initial stage of a relationship. In marriage, Anara is jealous, often selfish and uncompromising. She wants to control her husband and control his every move. The same applies to children. Anara is a domineering mother who will demand uncomplaining obedience and respect from them.
Name days:
March 6, October 12
Diminutive version
Anarochka, Anarushka
Ana, Ara, Nana
According to the church
- lilac
- ultramarine
- Lands
- air
Stone talisman
zirconium, amethyst, brown coal
Totem animal