Origin of the name Anar

The name Anar has Muslim roots and is a name of Turkic origin. For all nations, the translation of the name sounds different: among the Tatars it is “pomegranate tree,” among the Azerbaijanis it is “understanding,” which precisely characterizes the owner of the name. Translated from Arabic it sounds like “ray”, from Iranian – “pomegranate”. More often this name is still found among the Tatars.

Later, female names were formed from the male name Anar, such as Anora, Anara, Gulnara (considered a derivative name from the original male name).

In the modern world, the name Anar does not lose its popularity; it continues to be used to name babies in many countries.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Anar

The boy Anar is growing up as a leader. Physically strong, developed for his age, self-confident and decisive since childhood. Despite his harsh nature, he tenderly takes care of his loved ones, bringing them surprises made with his little hands.

In his youth, Anar increasingly demands attention and admiration: not receiving this, he feels unhappy. He approaches difficulties with interest and overcomes them without difficulty. He has a subtle mind and character, thanks to which he receives diplomas of education with a complete lack of desire to study.

Anar’s character is contradictory: achieving his goals, while having confidence in a positive result, having excellent opportunities on the path to success, being able to manage circumstances, he suddenly begins to doubt and hesitate, going aside or completely abandoning the venture forever.

Often straightforward in his statements, rude and harsh. He can flare up over a trifle, but he also quickly calms down and later reproaches himself for what happened. Self-critical, engaged in self-examination and introspection, sometimes becoming overly immersed in thought and falling out of the outside world.

In his career, by the age of 40, he may well occupy the chair of a boss in such areas as politics, theater, media or in the exact sciences.

In love affairs he is devoted to his partner, in marriage he will not allow himself to be betrayed and will not forgive her on the part of his wife. Ambitions prevent you from showing romanticism and tender feelings even in the case of strong love. Over time, love teaches Anar to be more harmonious and restrain his impulses.

Until Anar finds a wife, he works tirelessly to earn as much money as possible and secure his future life. He treats money with caution; he can easily accumulate a decent amount, while denying himself earthly joys.

Anar loves everything beautiful and is greedy for both attractive women and rare things, elegant objects and fashionable things. He searches for his soul mate for a long time, and having found it, he does not let go, trying in every possible way to achieve her favor. A woman who becomes Anar’s wife becomes perhaps the happiest on the planet: care, attention, love, affection, mutual understanding, loyalty and harmony reign in everything.

Anar loves children and has at least three in his marriage. Anar is a wonderful father, unable to abandon his child or deceive him, even if he is still very young. Despite his strictness, he spoils children, sometimes allowing them too much.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Anarchic, Anarik



According to the church



  • red


  • Uran


  • air

Stone talisman






Totem animal

electric Stingray

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