Origin of the name Aminat
The name Aminat (آمنة) is an ancient Muslim name. It is common in many Arabic languages, as well as in the languages of India and Pakistan. From Arabic, Aminat is translated as “faithful”, “honest”, “protected”.
A shortened version of the name Aminat is the name Amina. But at this time it is perceived as an independent name, which does not correlate with Aminat. Paired male names – Amin and Emin.
The mother of the Prophet Muhammad bore the name Aminat. According to legend, she was an unusually beautiful woman who received a noble upbringing in the house of her noble father. In addition, Aminat was a sympathetic and virtuous woman who loved her early deceased husband and only son very much. It is not surprising that the name Aminat is very popular among Muslims. It is common in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and India. It can also often be found in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Dagestan, and Chechnya. In Russia, the name Aminat is rare; its shortened version, Amina, is more common.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Aminat
As a child, Aminat is a serious, focused girl. She carefully observes those around her, tries to understand who is who, looking for friends who can protect him and help him in a difficult situation. Aminat studies well and tries to earn the love and patronage of his teachers. Exact sciences are easy for her, and her mathematical mindset allows the girl to achieve high results in sports. She can become a good team captain, knows how to plan and calculate every move, and anticipate the enemy’s behavior.
Aminat loves and respects his parents. She is especially strongly attached to her mother. She may even be jealous of her father, with whom Aminat sometimes has a difficult relationship. The need to recognize her father’s authority irritates Aminat. She does not like to obey, prefers to make decisions on her own. Therefore, Aminat leaves her parents’ home early and strives for independence. Can successfully combine study and work.
Aminat is very diligent. She deeply studies everything she comes into contact with. Aminat is purposeful, she wants to achieve success in her work and take a leadership position. She is strict with her subordinates, can be too demanding, and is sometimes prone to tyranny. At the same time, Aminat easily finds a common language with his superiors. She knows how to establish herself as a responsible worker, capable of correctly and effectively organizing herself and others.
Aminata has few friends, she is secretive and does not like noisy companies. Prefers to maintain exclusively useful acquaintances. Aminat maintains an even, but not close relationship with his parents.
Aminat gets married early. She doesn’t like to waste time on novels. Aminat chooses a calm man as her husband, who will put the leadership of the family in her hands. She is very gentle with her husband if he is ready to meet her in everything. This couple is united by common interests and an identical view of the world. They like to give the impression of people who live in abundance. But their prosperity borders on greed and hoarding. Often spouses deny themselves and their loved ones material goods in order to increase their bank account a little more. Aminat treats children well.
Name days:
April 7, November 24
Diminutive version
Aminatik, Aminchik, Aminushka, Natik
Amina, Nata, Musya
According to the church
- blue
- silver
- Jupiter
- air
Stone talisman
jade, garnet
Totem animal