Origin of the name Amin

The name Amin goes back to ancient times. Eastern languages ​​inherited it from Proto-Indo-European, which was widespread in the territory of modern Europe, India, the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. From Arabic “Amin” (أمين) is translated as “reliable”, “honest”, “faithful”. It is formed from the verb “’-m-n”, and is the same root as the words “amen” and “iman” (faith).

Name variants: Amanullah, Mamun, Aminullah. Female uniform – Amina.

From Hebrew, the name Amin (אמין) is also translated as “faithful”, “honest”, “trustworthy”. This is easily explained by both the common proto-language and the common roots of Islam and Judaism.

The name Amin has become widespread in the Middle East, Africa, and among Muslims in India and Pakistan. The name came to Russia during the Middle Ages with Jewish settlers and Tatar-Mongol conquerors. Currently, it can be found among Tatars, Azerbaijanis, Chechens, Tajiks, and in children of mixed marriages. This beautiful melodic name goes well with Russian patronymics and surnames.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Amen

As a child, Amin is a very inquisitive child who often sticks his nose where it shouldn’t. He is constantly bruised and scratched. For parents, this is a real punishment; they make a lot of efforts to secure the house, but Amin constantly finds a place where he can get his hand pinched or get a bump. At school, Amin will be the first to climb into the attic or break into the basement. He knows how to sneak away from the teacher and on excursions in order to go explore the world on his own.

This curiosity helps Amin in his studies; he is a great experimenter. The boy loves to conduct experiments in chemistry, physics, and biology. He constantly grows something in jars on the windowsill, collects various stones and minerals, leaves, flowers, and beetles. Amin is interested in everything that can be touched and used. He is indifferent to the humanities; literature and art do not interest him.

Amin has many friends. With them he explores the world, shares his plans and experiences. Amin is cheerful and open, never hides his feelings and emotions. He can hit the offender, and immediately go to peace, since the conflict is over. With age, this straightforwardness and emotionality persists.

Amin likes professions related to practical activities and research. He can become a geologist, biologist, chemist, naturalist. Choose medicine or engineering. In any business, Amin will succeed, thanks to his resourcefulness, intelligence, and developed thinking. Amin can become an excellent leader. He delves deeply into the essence of the work and will never exchange high-quality performance for a quick result.

Since his youth, Amin dreams of a big and strong family. He loves his parents and relatives and spends a lot of time with them. Amin chooses a kind and cheerful girl as his wife, who will not be burdened by housework, loves children, and loves family holidays and gatherings. He is a very devoted and generous husband who is ready to provide his family with everything they need. Amin loves his children, actively participates in their upbringing, takes them to clubs and sections.

Name days:

February 7, August 12

Diminutive version

Aminchik, Aminushka


Well, Mimi

According to the church



  • blue
  • yellow


  • Mercury


  • water

Stone talisman

alexandrite, coral, Lapp blood





Totem animal


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