The meaning and characteristics of the name Amal
The sound of the name is associated with the following qualitative characteristics: good, big, bright, beautiful, simple, majestic, bright, safe, joyful, loud, brave, powerful and kind. Thus, a woman named Amal comes across as a strong, charismatic personality with leadership qualities, yet charming, charming and kind-hearted.
The meaning of the letters in the name characterizes Amal as a powerful, strong, hardworking person, with analytical, logical thinking, capable of sorting out any situation or problem, but at the same time artistic, sentimental, and petty.
Little Amal is an active, inquisitive and cheerful child. She gathers friends around her and is an entertainer of common games and pranks. The girl is an excellent student, helped by a sharp mind, good memory and healthy ambition. What Amal doesn’t know how to do is accept defeat. She experiences failures painfully, but still does not deviate from her goal.
Adult Amal is ambitious, strong-willed, purposeful, persistent. This is a woman with character. She completes all her undertakings and never backs down from difficulties. The owner of the name believes in herself, her talents and capabilities, and therefore always achieves her goal. Amal is an honest person, but for the sake of her goals she is capable of cunning and intrigue. On the path to success, this woman fully concentrates on the task at hand and does not get distracted by trifles; she is hardworking, an excellent organizer and a responsible leader. At the same time, it is difficult for her to delegate her responsibilities to subordinates – the owner of the name strives to control everything herself. Career, personal ambitions, financial independence and self-development play a paramount role in Amal’s life.
Amal can safely be called a beauty. She knows how to present herself and highlight her strengths. This woman is charming and charismatic, open, sociable, friendly, witty and intelligent. Men are usually fascinated by her. However, the personal life of the owner of this name is always in the background. Friends are more like business partners for her. The owner of the name surrounds herself with successful, wealthy people. But Amal does not like to let strangers into her inner world, into her territory.
Name days:
Diminutive version
According to the church
- olive
- Saturn
- land
Stone talisman
chalcedony, onyx
Totem animal
turtle, hoopoe