History of origin of the name Alsou

This name came to our culture from Tatarstan. Literally translated from the Tatar language, the phrase Alsou means “scarlet water” or “scarlet color.” The modern interpretation is “beautiful”, “wonderful”.

Characteristics of the name Alsou: main character traits

In astrological terms, this name is patronized by Pluto, the most successful sign of the zodiac is Scorpio. The owner of the name Alsou is an energetic, sociable, sometimes quite domineering lady who, undoubtedly, achieves great success in life. Her plans are varied: she is very curious and strives to be in time everywhere. This is a versatile person who has many interests, often doing several things at the same time. However, she does not always finish what she starts, because she is fickle and commits impulsive actions. In society, she strives to take a leading position, always argues and actively defends her position in life, sometimes not realizing that this provokes conflicts. By nature, Alsou is a noble and sympathetic person, actively interested in the lives of other people, loves to help with business or give advice. Envy, slander, and deceit are alien to her. She is not a very diligent person and can easily change the “course” of her life: quit a stable job, suddenly go on vacation, start an unplanned renovation, change her place of residence.

Fiery in speeches, but at the same time capable of compassion, Alsou loves society, so the goal of her life is to impress others. It is these personal qualities that determine the scope of her activities – pedagogy, charity, administration, work with personnel, politics. Alsou, as a rule, has many friends who sincerely love her for her caring and responsiveness. She loves to travel, discover new picturesque places, play sports, and visit various public places. Assertiveness and energy are combined with daydreaming and a heightened sense of justice.

Positive character traits: leadership, responsiveness, sociability, developed oratorical abilities, nobility, straightforwardness.

Negative character traits: superficiality, impulsiveness, inability to do hard work, self-centeredness.

What is Alsou like in love?

Due to her “airy” character, such a girl does not put family values ​​first in life. She does not strive to get married early and immediately have offspring, although she is very popular with the opposite sex. Nature is generous to Alsou – in addition to her easy-going and compassionate character, she endowed her with a bright appearance and a slender figure. However, Alsou does not like to concentrate all his vigorous energy solely on his personal life. Family will always come second after work, hobbies, and friendships. Alsou cannot be called very loving. Despite such character traits as impulsiveness and a certain superficiality, she is a one-woman woman and will never play a double game. If she is lucky and meets a decent man who will respect her desire for personal independence and social life, then this union will be happy.

Name days:


Diminutive version




According to the church



  • yellow


  • Pluto


  • air

Stone talisman





chestnut, cloves

Totem animal


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