History of the origin of the name Alla

Alla is a female name that has not only analogues in many languages, but also its own origin among different nations.

This name found its way into the Orthodox calendar thanks to the historian Sozomen and his texts about Saint Alla, the widow of one of the Gothic leaders, living in the 4th century in the territory of modern Ukraine. Translated from Gothic, “Alls” means “everyone,” and its form “Alla” is “can-do-all, jack-of-all-trades.” But there is an assumption that this is just a mistake by the author or copyist and Alla is not the name of the Gothic martyr, but a Greek word meaning “another woman” or, in general, the conjunction Αλλα – “however”.

Among Muslim peoples, the name Alla comes from the name of the Islamic goddess Allat, mistress of the kingdom of the dead. It was already in use in the first millennium AD. With the adoption of Islam, this name as an independent feminine name became undesirable, and is used only as a shortening of some male names. The very word “Al-lat” was interpreted by the ancient Arab and Semitic tribes as “goddess”. In modern Hebrew, this name is closer in sound to “Ella” – “pistachio”.

The Scandinavian peoples also have their own hypothesis about the origin of the name Alla. Icelanders consider this name to be theirs, which indirectly confirms the Gothic version of its origin, since the Gothic and Icelandic languages ​​are very close. From Icelandic the word “Alla” is also translated as “everything”.

In Irish mythology there was a Druid goddess Alla, one of the wives of Fintan, the first Druid. The meaning of her name is unknown.

One version of the spread of the name Alla among the Slavs is from the word of Turkic origin “scarlet”.

In the Caucasus, legends have been preserved about two goddesses of fate who were more powerful than the Supreme God. Their names were Alla and Bella.

Derived forms of the name: Allochka, Ala, Alyunya, Alyusya, Alya.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Alla

Alla is one of the few names that consists of only two letters, the meaning of which is enhanced by doubling. In addition, the strength of the sound of the name corresponds to the brightness of the scarlet color, endowing the owner with expressive character traits. The emotional and subconscious significance of the name is expressed by the following signs: good, big, courageous, active, simple, strong, beautiful, smooth, majestic, bright, round, joyful, loud, brave, powerful. Alla gives the impression of a strong, independent woman with a masculine, punchy character. She has a bright appearance, she knows how to present herself, she is confident in herself and her capabilities.

The letter analysis of the name largely confirms the phonosemantic analysis. The vowel A, strengthened by doubling, is a symbol of beginning, active nature, hard work, desire for mental and physical perfection. A woman with the letter A at the beginning of her name is a leader in everything. She is proactive, active, and cannot stand routine either in work or in relationships. It is important for her to do what she loves and make independent decisions.

The double consonant L is a sign of irrepressible creative nature, sophistication, the ability to recognize and create beauty, and extraordinary artistic and artistic abilities. These are women who know how to give and receive love, empathize, share knowledge and experience, and are sincere with their partners. They welcome change and new sensations. The consonant L enhances the craving for harmony and comfort for the soul and body. These are sociable, interesting, bright personalities. But in case of love disappointments, they may suffer from alcoholism and overeating.

Character Traits of the Name Alla

Alla is a strong woman. She is self-confident, firm, assertive, power-hungry, independent, proud, knows how to defend her interests and always decides everything in her life herself. Firmness often develops into stubbornness, and pride requires worship. She is intellectual and often has an excellent education, has one or more pronounced talents, and is very active and energetic. She is sociable, strives to be in the center of attention, is focused on success and increasing her social status, is persistent and knows her worth. This is a very purposeful woman, a perfectionist. She is capable of suppressing the weaker ones in her environment, and is demanding of both herself and others. She is kind, reasonable, but not stable, honest, hardworking, and benevolent.

Alla is very sensitive, she needs sympathy, support, and sincere attention. She is distrustful, even closed.

Alla is beautiful with a bright, catchy beauty, which she emphasizes with equally bright clothes and makeup. If nature has deprived her of external data, she will learn to be beautiful, emphasizing her advantages.

Alla, born in winter, is ambitious, ambitious, has a despotic character and an unstable psyche. “Autumn” Alla is selfish and calculating even in marriage. Those born in spring are chaotic, excitable, unbalanced, ambitious and purposeful, very dependent on material wealth. “Summer” – charming, sexy, gambling. Strong will and desire for power often become the cause of conflicts. Personal tragedies always leave a mark on the character of the owner of this name. At best, she becomes softer and acquires a philosophical view of the world. At worst, he indulges his weaknesses, such as alcohol, rich food, gambling, shopaholism and other addictions. Alla is not known for his patience and tolerance. There is no desire for order in her either. She can be capricious, arrogant and boastful. Suffers from a lack of sense of humor. But childish spontaneity and even naivety help her to become one of her own in any company, to be sweet, eternally young and attractive, and to resolve any conflicts. Alla is a good friend, she is always ready to help, listen, and give practical advice if you turn to her. This woman herself does not like to impose herself, and therefore can be considered indifferent and cold. He values ​​female friendship little and prefers to see men as friends.

Alla’s family and love relationships

Alla is impulsive and prefers the rapid development of relationships. She has a healthy attitude towards sex. This is an integral and very important part of her life. She is an affectionate, gentle lover, loves a beautiful setting for intimacy, does not suffer from prejudices, is proactive, loves experiments. Uses his sexual attractiveness for reconciliation or to obtain concessions in relationships. The owner of this name is very jealous, suspicious and faithful only as long as she is confident in the fidelity of her partner. He reacts violently to the fact of betrayal and takes revenge. Alla dreams of great and passionate love. He often plays at love – he flirts, charms, makes him fall in love, but easily says goodbye to his annoying admirer. But if she falls in love, she does not pay attention to stereotypes. Age, physical characteristics, reputation lose all meaning if the chosen one is kind, attentive and sincerely loves her.

Having become a wife, Alla is not looking for adventures; she is a faithful and devoted wife, but demanding and jealous. Family and its well-being becomes the meaning of a woman’s life. She is a magnificent and hospitable hostess, although she does not like uninvited guests. Alla is a caring and loving mother, it is important for her to be proud of her children, she loves to share their successes.

Alla is a wise wife; despite her authority and pride, her husband is confident that he is the head of the family. She often contributes to his career. If this woman can drive her husband “under his thumb” and he loses her respect, a break in the relationship is possible. It is not uncommon for a woman with this name to marry several times. The difficult character of the bearer of this name requires periodic rest in solitude, reading a book or watching a movie, and sometimes at a distance from family. Alla knows how to establish friendly relations with her husband’s relatives and is attentive to them. She takes care of her parents, even if she had conflicts with them in her youth.

Relationships are best with winter men: Alexander, Valery, Gennady, Miron, Miroslav, Andrey, Evgeny, Victor, Nikita, Kirill, Stepan. Alla has complex relationships with Arthur, Elisha, Moses, Timofey, Eduard, Yuri, Pavel, Igor, Sergei, Mikhail.

Choice of profession, business, Alla’s career

Business acumen, perseverance, will, self-confidence, and the makings of a leader help Alla to be successful. She is persistent, hard-working, and always completes everything. He knows how to find the right people and make useful contacts, perfectly plans and implements assigned tasks, and relies only on his own strengths. These qualities help her achieve considerable success in business.

He strives to become a professional in any chosen specialty. The main condition is that Alla must be passionate about her work and love it, otherwise there will be no development. She can choose a creative path and become a musician, singer, actress, journalist, artist. Or he can do science and teach. Alla will be a successful assistant, trade worker, economist, cosmetologist; the tourism business will also suit her. This woman’s characteristic passion and desire for a quick turnover of money can lead her to the stock exchange. She is loved and respected by her colleagues, appreciated by her superiors, and she herself is a demanding but reasonable leader.

It is important for Alla to have savings for a rainy day, because her self-confidence and eccentricity often lead to mistakes and financial losses. But a strong will helps her “reborn from the ashes” again and again. She never gives up.

Alla’s health

Alla is a lucky name when it comes to health. Yes, she, like many children, has problems with appetite in infancy, she also suffers from colds, bronchitis and even pneumonia, but usually the child’s body endures all illnesses and recovers quickly. Girls born at night are especially healthy; they are spared even common childhood infections. Little Alla, born during the day, may suffer from farsightedness, otitis media, pharyngitis and will most likely suffer from all childhood infections without any special consequences. “February” Alla may have problems with her first teeth.

Alla’s only weak point is her unstable nervous system, problems with which can lead to heart and kidney diseases. Shouting and rudeness, corporal punishment, and pressure are unacceptable in relation to her. All this can lead to neuroses at an early age.

In her mature years, Alla is distinguished by endurance, good health and longevity. But her nervous system requires a strict daily routine, at least two hours in the fresh air every day and appropriate physical activity: swimming, yoga, Pilates, callanetics.

Name Alla for a child

Alla is a charming but restless child; due to her increased activity and impressionability, she falls asleep with difficulty and only next to her mother. But the girl is not afraid of anyone and goes into everyone’s arms.

During school years, a girl’s irritability, stubbornness and self-esteem gain momentum. At this time, her relationship with her parents becomes more complicated. Alla often has a difficult teenage period and parents will have to show remarkable patience and understanding, and spend a long time looking for an approach to their child. Rudeness and violence can lead to serious mental problems.

This is an independent child. It is desirable that the girl has brothers and sisters. This will help develop her communication skills and protect her from unhealthy selfishness. Allochka is a bright individual, seeks attention, but achieves it not through pranks, but through her appearance, toys, expensive or original school supplies. The girl strives to stand out, to be different from everyone else, to look older. Often a member of an informal group, listens to alternative music and has the appropriate appearance.

Alla is a successful student thanks to her perseverance, hard work, good memory and sharp mind. But she doesn’t strive to be an excellent student.

She has difficult relationships with her peers due to her arrogance and power. But if a girl has developed communication skills, the period of growing up is easier, she makes friends and acquaintances. If this does not happen, Allochka, protecting herself from loneliness, often gets involved in creativity: she draws, participates in theatrical productions, sings, takes photographs or dances.

Already as a student, Alla has many fans who are also obliged to be different from those around her: foreigners, adventurers, men with an exotic appearance or occupation.

Name days:

January 31, April 8, October 23

Diminutive version

Allochka, Alchyk, Allushka, Allu?sha, Allu?shka, Allu?sya, Allu?ska, Allu?shechka, Alyunya


Alya, Alka, Alka, Elya, Ellie, Elchik

According to the church



  • scarlet


  • Sun


  • fire

Stone talisman





rowan, burnet

Totem animal


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