History of the origin of the name Albina

The name Albina appeared in Ancient Rome. It has more than one version of its origin. According to one version, the name was formed from the personal generic name Albinus.

If you believe the second version, then the name Albina comes from the male name Albin. This name was given to a follower of Plato, who taught the teachings of his idol to the famous ancient physician Galen.

And according to the third version, the name Albina is a form of the name Alba, the names are related and can be diminutive addresses to each other.

The name was also popular among the Slavs, Tatars, Czechs, Poles and Americans.

In Orthodoxy, Albina has no patron saints and does not celebrate her name day. But in Catholicism she has a patron – Albina of Caesarea. During the persecution of Christians, she was captured and brutally tortured, forcing her to renounce her faith. She did not give in and after painful torture she was beheaded. Albina celebrates her Catholic name day on December 16th.

Diminutive forms: Alya, Lina, Alba, Albinochka, Bella, Alla.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Albina

Translated from Latin, Albina means “white”, “light”, “pure”.

In the Tatar language Albina means “white-eyed”.

According to the interpretation of the Slavs, Albina means “white”.

Albina is an incredibly charming and sweet girl. She can win over even the most stern interlocutor. She reads a lot and is interested in creativity, drawing with inspiration. Albina is soft and affectionate by nature, but deep down she can be cold-blooded and vindictive. A girl named Albina is quite arrogant and arrogant. Sometimes you can see contempt in her gaze. She is touchy, takes everything to heart, and any wrong word can deeply hurt her. She won’t show it, but alone with herself she will be very worried. But a girl named Albina is not vindictive; if the offender sincerely repents, she will quickly forget the conflict. Albina is distrustful, she has many friends, but prefers to keep everything to herself. Albina is energetic and cheerful, she is confident that she can handle anything. If trouble happens, Albina does not dwell on it, she quickly switches to positive emotions. Albina does not trust men and gets married quite late; her companion will have to try hard to melt her icy heart. Albina will not forgive betrayal and in case of infidelity on the part of her husband, she will not leave him a single chance to atone.

Albina loves to dream and is constantly thinking about how to make her fantasies come true. Sometimes Albina is torn due to her contradictory character, but negative traits are still stronger than positive ones.

Name days:

16 December

Diminutive version

Alvina, Albinka, Albisha, Albinushka, Alvinka, Bella, Alechka


Alina, Lyalya, Bina, Alya

According to the church



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  • air

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fire opal





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