Origin of the name Ahmed

Initially, the name Ahmed has Arabic roots and comes from these regions. If you translate this name into Russian, you will get the options “praiseworthy” or “most glorious”; in addition to these two, the translation version “one who constantly thanks God” is also popular. The name Ahmed has many derivatives, for example, Akhmet, Akhmad or Akhmat, but in essence it is the same name. There is also a version that the name Ahmed may be a modified name of Muhammad.

The name Ahmed is common in most Muslim countries, typically in the Middle East. Ahmed is especially common among the Tatars and Turkic peoples. The male name Ahmed is a harmonious fusion of different cultures and religions.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Ahmed

From a very early age, Ahmed had a rather harsh temperament and a desire for independence. He will not allow himself to be controlled or poked. In general, it has a rather difficult character, which is why relationships with peers and parents can be difficult, in the event of close guardianship on the part of the latter. He has an internal and inexhaustible desire to be first, especially in physical strength. In addition, he is an enterprising person; even as a teenager he is able to develop a scheme to earn extra money. But he is not very strong in this due to a lack of ingenuity and analytical abilities.

Growing up, Ahmed becomes proud, proud, intolerant and independent. Thanks to his leadership qualities, he is able to make a successful career, but here everything comes down to problems with analytical abilities and ingenuity; if his chosen profession involves their active use, Ahmed may have problems with career advancement. Ahmed chooses a profession, paying attention primarily to possible income, comfort in the workplace, and also the availability of a convenient schedule. He does not like to endure stress, so he prefers to work with the least degree of this illness. The following professions suit him: manager, translator, travel agent, waiter, merchant, merchant and guide. However, the greatest profits come from blue-collar professions such as winemaker, electrician, mason, mechanic and mechanic. Due to his physical characteristics, Ahmed often chooses these professions.

Ahmed notices the beauty of women from a young age and therefore falls in love very early. However, these feelings are quite flighty; he quickly cools down towards his soul mate as he begins to love her. The only person Ahmed will love is himself. But Ahmed is also quite devoted to his family and work. He often looks for an ideal for himself and for a very long time cannot find that ideal woman for himself. Throughout his life, Ahmed dreams of a beautiful wife, but he ties the knot with a kind and simple woman.

Name days:

6 January

Diminutive version

Ahmedik, Ahmedka, Ahmedushka


Ahmad, Akhmat, Ahmet

According to the church



  • pink


  • Jupiter


  • water
  • air

Stone talisman

emerald, peridot, carnelian, aquamarine, sapphire, beryl,


emerald, peridot, carnelian, aquamarine, sapphire, beryl,


Lady’s slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, periwinkle, cauliflower, lemon balm, forget-me-not

Totem animal

rabbit, seal, doe, cat, pigeon, bull

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