History of the origin of the name Afanasy

The name Athanasius, like many names that are widespread in Eastern Europe, has ancient Greek roots. It originally came from “thanatos” or “fanatos” (which means death), which is used with the prefix “a” (which, in turn, served as a negation), essentially forming the name Athanasios. This name is translated into Russian as “immortal” and was most often worn by bishops and patriarchs from Constantinople and other cities of Byzantium.

In Rus’, this name appeared after Christianity spread throughout the territory. Just like most other names, it was brought by the Greeks from Byzantium. The name Afanasy was in demand and this was the name given to children in many peasant families.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Afanasy

From an early age, Afanasy grows up to be a balanced and calm child. Even then, curiosity develops in him and, along with it, a rich imagination and daydreaming develops. He prefers not to argue with his peers and is generally a very calm child; as a result, he often cannot stand up for himself, trying to avoid disputes and conflicts. He has a lot of feminine traits, so his father’s influence is especially important in his upbringing, so that Afanasy does not grow up to be a weak boy.

Having matured, Afanasy becomes soft and kind, most often with problems of confidence in himself and his abilities. Afanasy is capable of making sacrifices, he is selfless, but at the same time he can be offended and even lose his temper. However, such people have a fairly easy-going character and are not vindictive.

Afanasy has sincere altruism and has an inner desire to benefit this world. He is a very pleasant and humble person who prefers to listen than to speak himself. Independence and freedom are important to Afanasy; violence is unacceptable to him. Because of this, he does not like to be forced into his opinion. He has no potential and no desire for leadership, to command people.

Afanasy does his work diligently and slowly. He can always solve any and even the most complex problems, without attracting help or just someone else’s attention. It is because of this quality that Afanasy’s work goes unnoticed and it becomes difficult for him to climb higher up the career ladder. His superiors often don’t notice him; all awards and encouragements go to his more active colleagues. To succeed in the workplace, Afanasy needs more perseverance or the help of his colleagues, who should become his friends.

Afanasy often enjoys success with women, attracting romantic ladies to him. May lose his head from an easy and rapidly developing relationship. For him, family comes first, and Afanasy willingly takes on household chores when the opportunity arises. He is married twice. He pays quite a lot of attention to his children, raises them with great love, which is why sometimes the mother is stricter than him.

Name days:

January 31, March 7

Diminutive version

Fosha, Fosya, Fonya, Afanasyushka, Nasya, Afonya, Nafanya, Afanasia, Afosya,


Afonya, Fanya, Fanny

According to the church



  • violet


  • Jupiter


  • air

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