“Barin” is a beer made according to the classical technology without the use of flavoring additives and preservatives. The brand is produced by Balakovsky Pivkombinat OJSC, which is located in the city of Balakovo, Saratov Region. The company is known in central Russia for a wide range of soft drinks and confectionery.
Historical information
The Balakovo regional food plant was established in 1942 to provide food for the evacuated population. After the war, the assortment of the plant was replenished with grape wines and soft drinks. The brewing production began to work much later – in 1961. During the years of perestroika, the state enterprise was transformed into a joint-stock company and renamed Balakovsky Pivkombinat OJSC.
Since 2000, the plant has been undergoing constant modernization – the equipment of the shops has been completely updated, a water treatment system has been put into operation, new tanks for beer fermentation have been installed. The assortment of the enterprise includes more than three dozen types of foamy drink. The plant sells products in a number of regions of Russia and exports to neighboring countries.
Production features
The production of Barin beer is based on old technologies developed by Abraham Kron, one of the first Russian brewers. The company pays special attention to the quality of raw materials, purchasing the best types of malt: Pilsner, caramel, as well as light and dark varieties of the Munich and Vienna type. The main supplier of hops is the Czech Republic. The raw material comes in granular form and is used throughout the year.
The cycle of primary fermentation takes from four to eight days. Then the sediment is removed from the beer and left to ferment. The time depends on the variety – some species can withstand up to forty days. During this time, the drink acquires individual flavoring properties. Finally, the product is filtered and fed to the bottling line. The brewing process at the plant is fully automated, controlled by computer systems.
“Sofit-Expo 2006”, Saratov – diploma and silver medal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Saratov region for the beer “Barin Zimnee”.
Interesting Facts
The enterprise refused to purchase hops from Chuvashia, which are used by many breweries in the middle zone, due to the short shelf life of fresh raw materials. The choice was made in favor of pelleted varieties from the Czech Republic, which can be used all year round with the same quality result.
In 2007, the company acquired the rights to produce the Czech beer Sedlak. A distinctive feature of this variety is the addition of rice to the beer wort. The foamy drink is produced according to the original recipe under the control of European specialists.
Types of beer “Barin”
Barin, 4,5%
The recipe for light beer was developed by the plant’s technologists in 1992. The drink is made from the best varieties of malt and hops without the use of stabilizers and preservatives. During the production process, special fermentation techniques are used, giving the beer a mild malt flavor and rich hop aroma. Extractivity of the initial wort 12%. It is bottled in 1,5 l PET and 30 and 50 l kegs.
Barin Winter, 5,5%
Semi-dark pasteurized beer has been brewed in Balakovo since 1992. For the manufacture of this variety, two types of malt are used – light and caramel, which gives the drink a rich dark amber color. The taste is malty with slightly sweet notes on the finish. The presence of natural pelleted hops is indicated by pronounced bitterness. The density of the drink is 15%. Beer is available only in kegs of 30 and 50 liters, the shelf life of the product is 90 days.