The management of autism

The management of autism

Children with autism and PDD require medical, paramedical and educational support in addition to educational support. Multidisciplinary support (speech therapy, psychomotor skills, educational support, psychotherapy, occupational therapy) is often offered.

In France, the child and his parents can benefit from certain benefits within establishments or medico-social structures (CAMSP, SESSAD, IME) and health (CMP, CMPP, day hospital).

In Quebec, there are grants for disabled children, regulated by the provincial and federal governments. Tax credits are also available. The CLSCs also offer a family support program which provides respite and benefits to families with a disabled child.


School integration

A team of parents, teachers, psychologists and other specialists who accompany the child, develop a personalized school project (PPS) in France or a individual education plan (PÉI) in Canada. This project is useful for guiding the autistic child through his school learning. The child’s parents play a key role in this.

In the long term, the (ideal) goal for each student with PDD is to successfully benefit from a schooling ordinary. Thanks to early diagnosis and child-friendly care, many of these students become more independent. In France, it is recommended that children be educated in nursery and kindergarten in order to develop their language and social skills. If necessary, the child can be accompanied by a school life assistant (AVS). Over time, the student becomes more autonomous and feels more comfortable in an integrated classroom. For some people, this process can take years. In fact, the pace of progress varies depending on the individual.

During theadolescence, some autistic children may suffer from depression or behavioral problems. Their treatment sometimes needs to be changed in their transition to adulthood. Adults with autism require services and supports, but many of them are able to work and live independently in an appropriate environment.

Integration into schools in France

Thanks to the struggle of associations, the legal systems in force in France (law of 11 December 1996, law of 11 February 2005) are constantly evolving. In order to make the population aware of this disease and the prejudices that surround it, the “ENSEMBLE POUR L’AUTISME” gathering has obtained the “Grande Cause Nationale 2012” label.

Children with autism and PDD must now be considered as full students. They are therefore attached to the school closest to their home or to another establishment.

Parents have access to many bodies, such as the Departmental House of Handicapped Persons (MDPH) which allows them to obtain an assessment of the child’s situation by a multidisciplinary team. This assessment will allow them to establish a Personalized School Project (PPS), i.e. an ordinary class with adaptations, a constant or partial presence of an AVS, specific integration, etc. They will also be advised on an orientation towards a medico-social service (CAMSP, IME, SESSAD), technical and financial assistance.

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