The man replaced the evil cat with a good one, and his wife did not notice

Sometimes, in addition to a loved one, we get his pet. And not always this sweet and pleasant creature. The hero of this story invented an unusual way to solve the problem – so much so as not to quarrel with his wife.

The man could not get along with his girlfriend’s pet – an aggressive and ill-mannered cat. The animal attacked the guests and ignored the tray. But despite all these shortcomings, the woman simply doted on her cat.

One day she went to visit her family and asked her lover to look after the pet. On the first day, the cat badly scratched his hand. Then the man jokingly turned to her and said that she was not special, and if she attacked him again, he would replace her with another of the same kind.

It is easy to guess that the cat did not listen to the admonitions of our hero and soon scratched him again. Then the playful threat began to gradually turn into a plan of action. The next morning, the man went to a local animal shelter and found a very similar cat there – with the difference that she was accustomed to the tray and got along much better with people.

In addition, the new cat turned out to be very playful. According to the shelter staff, the former owner of the cat died of a heart attack. “In general, the cat was much friendlier, and some waywardness added similarity to the animals,” the narrator explained.

As a result, the man made a fateful decision: he adopted a well-bred cat from a shelter and took him home to his girlfriend. He was very afraid of exposure, and therefore went to extreme measures. He attached a real cat in another city so that his chosen one would not accidentally stumble upon her in a local shelter. The storyteller’s plan worked perfectly.

When the woman returned home, she did not notice the change and only rejoiced at the unexpected changes in her pet’s behavior.

Since then, six years have passed. Four years ago, the couple got married, and they became official husband and wife. “We still have a replacement cat that we call after the old pet. My wife doesn’t know anything. She loves this cat and brags about how well behaved she is. But every time I hear it, I feel like a complete nonentity, ”admitted the narrator.

The man asked Internet users for advice and stressed that after his “crime” he was interested in the fate of the cat. So, he found out that the shelter does not euthanize the animals living there, which means that the cat is alive and definitely does not disappear with its character.

Commentators were amazed that the girl did not notice the change of the cat. Many “cat lovers” assured that they would have noticed a sharp change in the behavior of their pet. And no one knows the appearance of his pet as well as the owner. Even if a man found a cat very similar to a real one, he could simply not pay attention to the nuances that only his partner knew about.

Despite the fact that the users condemned the dishonest act of the man, they advised him to never tell the truth to his wife – otherwise it would destroy their relationship. “How do you deceive your spouse so easily? I don’t know how to lie at all, everything is written on my face, ”one of the commentators was surprised.

“Good luck if you decide to have children. It will be much more difficult to find a similar child.” “If she ever finds out about the cat, her first thought will be: “Will you also replace our children if they start to bother you?” — ironic others.

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