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Scientists from Portugal came to surprising conclusions, who compared two male organs – the testes and the brain. It seems that the ironic statement about men “thinking with their genitals” is not entirely without sense.

  1. What can the male brain and testes have in common?
  2. It turns out a lot. More than 13 common proteins
  3. This is not the first study that shows a relationship between the work of the male brain and its reproductive system
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Very interesting research results have been published in the “Royal Society Open Biology” journal. They show that there are many similarities between male brains and testicles. Among other things, such that they have the largest number of proteins in common compared to other tissues of the human body.

The brain and the testicles. Over 13 common proteins

It would seem that it would be difficult to find two more different human organs. The brain is the “command center” of our body, it controls the entire body, receives and interprets signals from organs, allows us to feel and think. Meanwhile, the role of the testicles is mainly to produce sperm and hormones. The functions of both organs are essential for the proper development of the organism. Scientists have proven that the brain and testes have very similar biochemical structures.

See also: The male brain is not immune to alcohol?

“Previous studies have already suggested that there are links between intelligence and semen quality, as well as between sexual dysfunction and brain disorders,” reads an article reviewed by Sciencealert.com. While such links do not mean much in themselves, now a team of scientists from Portugal and the UK has found an explanation as to why they might.

The researchers compared proteins in 33 types of tissue, including the heart, gut, cervix, ovaries and placenta. They found that the testicles and brain have 13. 442 common proteins. This is confirmed by gene expression studies which show that these two separate organs have the greatest number of genes of any organ in the body. Taking a closer look at common proteins, they found that they are mainly involved in tissue development and cellular communication.

Hard-working neurons and sperm

Why do the brain and testes have more in common than you might think? Both organs need a lot of energy to carry out their functions, which are very important for the body, such as thinking and producing several million sperm a day. That’s why they have specialized cells that support the hard-working neurons in the brain and the germ cells in the testes.

Zsee also: Sperm viability – what should you know about it?

What’s more – neurons in the brain and sperm in the testes work in a similar way. They participate in the so-called exocytosis, which is the release of metabolites formed inside the cell into the extracellular space. Neurons use exocytosis to release neurotransmitters. Sperm produces substances that are involved in the fertilization process in the same way.

Many unanswered questions

The discoveries of scientists raise many questions, the most important of which is how can two such different organs have so much in common? This topic is still unexplored. It may be for the same reasons why animals in different parts of the world may develop the same traits as they evolve.

Do these scientific revelations suggest that men really “think with their genitals”? There is definitely something to it, but it’s worth knowing that female brains show similar similarities with the reproductive organs.

You may be interested in:

  1. Storm in the brain
  2. Men have older brains than women
  3. Testicular hydrocephalus – symptoms and treatment

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