The main thing is to start: how to force yourself to go to the gym

Want to have a slim figure, but don’t want to sweat in the gym? Alas, without physical activity anywhere. Therefore, tune in to regular visits to the sports club. Afraid you will not get involved in regular activities? Fear not: as they say, appetite comes with eating.

Our consultant is Valery Severukhin, a personal trainer with 10 years of experience.

 – When you realize that it’s time to change something in your physique, you involuntarily think about the gym. But doubts gnaw: how will I go there? They are all so slender, beautiful, athletic. Yes, and there is no time at all … Oh, well, his this room, I already look normal! Sound familiar?

We are radically breaking this approach! Here are a few steps to overcome yourself:

Tune in

Yes, yes, without the attitude, nowhere. The hall is not fun. The hall is through “I don’t want”, through pain, through “well, once, not today.”

What are the excuses?

* No time. There is! There is always time, let’s not deceive ourselves. And if “well, not at all,” you should reconsider your personal timing: get up earlier, spend less time thoughtlessly scrolling through the Internet.

* Everyone will look at me. Believe me, even if your build is hopelessly far from perfect, the audience will not look judgmental. There, everyone is busy with themselves and their bodies.

Choose a gym

Pay attention to its proximity to home, the presence of a shower, renting a locker, group programs – by the way, they are often free.

Work with a coach or on your ownIf possible, practice under the guidance of a trainer. He will not just teach you how, what and why to do. First of all, the coach is very disciplined. If you cannot resort to his help, be sure to take at least 1-2 workouts so that a professional will open the “world of iron” for you. It is almost impossible to deal with all the simulators on your own.

And then – work hard in the gym in your name. And do not be shy: this is not a beauty contest, but a place to find it.

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