The main signs of an “almost ideal” partner

Alas, there are no perfect people. And yet there are qualities that your potential partner must have in order for the relationship with him to be healthy and harmonious.

1. He has a moral compass

Finding a person with whom your values ​​will coincide 100% is good, although not necessary. That said, it’s still better that your views on religion, politics, culture, money, children, and sex don’t differ too much.

At first, it may seem that the fact that you look at these important issues differently is not so bad. But in the future life together, difficulties can arise, so do not ignore these differences. You have the right to wish for a kind, decent and worthy partner. Maybe he does not always do the right thing, but, in any case, he strives for this.

2. He likes you and wants to be with you.

The second item on our list seems obvious. But still, we remind you: you should like to spend time together, and not only in bed. If you have to take more initiative than your partner, if you have to constantly persuade him and adjust to his schedule, this is not too great. If you are dear to a person, he wants to be with you. And point. He calls, writes and comes.

3. He knows how to deal with emotions, especially anger.

Whether he succeeds in this is good to find out in advance, before everything goes too far. It is important to understand how a person behaves under pressure or when provoked. Before committing yourself to a partner for a long time, look at how he acts when someone or something makes him angry. Make sure you can handle his reaction.

This goes for any emotion. It’s just that someone else’s anger tends to scare us the most, and the consequences of expressing this feeling can be dangerous.

4. He knows how to have fun

It’s not that you necessarily need a merry fellow. But when someone who knows how to enjoy life is nearby, this is real happiness.

5. He is easy going and ready to help.

Living with a person who spends most of their time on the couch, never wants anything, and never helps with household chores is not easy. So, before you move in with a new partner, find out how energetic he is, and at the same time – what his home is like. After all, it says a lot about his habits.

6. He is independent, but does not neglect you.

A partner should have his own life, although, of course, he should prioritize and support you. If, due to family, friends, and hobbies, he has almost no time left for you, consider whether you need such a relationship. Your goal is to become a couple, not two planets coexisting side by side.

7. He invests in relationships

Financially, in terms of responsibilities and everything else. Usually, the distribution of responsibilities and roles in a couple occurs by itself: someone does more housework and cooks, someone works more and devotes time to children.

Let everyone do what he likes and what works best, but at the same time you need to understand that both are invested in the family and the development of relationships. When one “pulls everything on itself”, this is an unhealthy story. And it usually doesn’t end well.

8. He knows how to love

The sad truth is that not everyone has this gift. Usually this is due to a difficult family history and psychological trauma. The good news is that love can be learned if there is a desire and sincere sympathy for another.

Loving someone is the greatest gift. And this is the case when you have the right to expect the same gift in return.

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