The main products of oriental cuisine are rice. noodles, lemongrass, curry paste, coconut milk, chili, ginger, wasabi, chutney, miso, garam masala, tofu chai and others


rice – almost the main product of Asian cuisine. In Japan, they use round rice for sushi, which becomes sticky during the cooking process. Long-grain sticky aromatic jasmine rice, also known as Thai frangrant, is popular in Thai cuisine. It is used in Thai desserts and simmered in coconut milk. Red rice is also known in Thailand. In India, preference is given to long-grain rice – basmati, indica.


Noodles of various forms made from flour of various cereals (and not only cereals) are very popular in all Asian countries. One of the most famous – egg noodles from wheat flour and eggs. Glass noodles thin and transparent, it is made from golden beans. It goes best with salads, soups and wok dishes. Rice noodles are made from rice flour. It is often baked or served with vegetables, chicken, or shrimp.

There are two traditional types of noodles in Japan – Soba and udon… Soba are thin buckwheat noodles that come in four colors depending on the season. The most common soba is brown – the color of autumn. Other colors are spring green, summer red and winter white. Udon noodles are made from wheat. Wheat noodles thicker and lighter in color. Both soba and udon are served both cold and hot, with soy sauce or dashi sauce. The third popular type of noodle in Japan is flat or Chinese wheat noodles served with meat or in a spicy broth.


Fish sauce

Fish sauce Is the most important ingredient in Asian cuisine especially in Thailand. Fish sauce is made from liquid fish enzyme and is used as a salt substitute. In many ways, it is similar to soy.

Lemon sorghum

Lemon sorghum Is a stemmed plant that gives Thai food an authentic flavor. The tough leaves, the bottom bulb and part of the top of the lemongrass are cut off, and the lemongrass stem is added to fish dishes, soups, and meat stews. Before serving, the lemongrass chunks are removed from the dish. Chopped or ground lemongrass are also used in marinades or seasonal sauces. It is also produced as a paste.

Curry paste

Curry paste used in dishes from many eastern countries. The intensity of the curry paste depends on the fresh ingredients: lots of chili, galangal, lemongrass, garlic, herbs and spices. The most commonly used curry paste is green, red and yellow. Thai curry paste is lighter and fresher in taste than Indian curry paste. Its taste is revealed during long boiling.

Coconut milk and coconut cream

Coconut milk and coconut cream Are important ingredients in many Asian dishes. Coconut milk is obtained by infusing water on the pulp of a mature coconut. The richer part of the resulting infusion is separated and sold as coconut cream. You can easily make coconut milk or coconut cream at home by mixing the prepared coconut powder in water. Coconut milk and coconut cream provide a soft, rich flavor and are ideal for both savory and sweet dishes. Coconut powder can also be added to meals. Store the opened pack of coconut powder in the refrigerator. Light coconut milk (6%) is also commercially available.


Chile Is a seasoning commonly used in Asian countries. Fresh chili peppers have a greenish color; when ripe, they change both color and shape. However, chili peppers are always hot, both fresh and dried. The smaller the chili is, the hotter it is. The pungency is given by the substance capsacin. Chili can be added to meals fresh, dried, or as chili oil in a variety of sauces or seasonings. Its intensity can be softened, for example, with coconut milk or coconut cream.

Cumin seeds

Kumin or In this case Are the most important spices of Indian cuisine. Cumin seeds are used both ground and whole in meat, fish, shrimp and vegetable dishes.


Galangal Is a root, a type of ginger that has a milder taste and a rich aroma. It is commonly used in Thai cuisine, including puree and sauce.


Homeland of ginger – Asia. Ginger has a sweet and pungent taste. Ginger root is used both fresh and dried. They also make a sauce from ginger. Ginger can be used as a condiment for pork, chicken, shellfish and fish, and in fruit desserts. In Japan, strips of ginger are marinated in sweet rice broth flavored with vinegar. Pickled ginger (gari) is served with sushi to free the taste buds between different types of sushi.


Cilantro – a herb that is used in all parts of Asia. In Thailand, fresh leaves and stems of aromatic cilantro are used to decorate dishes, while the roots are used for broths and various sauces. Cilantro roots have a strong flavor. They can be added to dishes both ground and whole. Cilantro seeds (coriander) are often used in Indian cuisine, for example, in curry sauce. Cilantro paste is also produced.


Bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots – these are young bamboo seedlings, cut into strips. They are an essential ingredient in Asian cuisine. Canned bamboo shoots are available for sale. Crunchy and soft – they are ideal with salads, soups, wok-grilled vegetables, or as a side dish with a main course.

Cane sugar

Brown cane sahaр it is distinguished by an exotic taste and aroma of caramel. It is used as a seasoning to add sharpness to spicy chili and flavor completeness to curries and woks. Cane sugar is added to baked goods and drinks.


Tamarind Is an important spice used throughout Asia. Sour tamarind is used, for example, in chutneys, curries, lentils, beans, and sweet and sour sauces. Tamarind sauce is also produced.


Wasabi Is one of the most important spices in Japanese cuisine. It is served with sashimi, sushi, fish and meat dishes. Wasabi is sometimes called Japanese horseradish because it has a very strong and pungent flavor. Wasabi is sold in powder, sauce, and paste form.

Garam matter

Garam matter Is one of the most popular spices in Indian cuisine. Literally the name translates as “spicy condiment mixture”, but the taste can vary from mild to very spicy. The main ingredients in garam masala are cardamom, cinnamon and cloves.


Chat Is an Indian sweet and sour condiment made from fruits and vegetables. The fruit is cooked in sugar and vinegar until a jelly-like mixture is obtained, and seasoned with, for example, garlic, ginger and chili. Chutney is used as a side dish in curries and as a seasoning for meat, fish and game. The most common Indian chutneys are sweet pickled ones. They are ideal for grilled meats, especially in combination with fermented milk products.


Miso Is a Japanese product made from soybeans and salt, as well as a fermented mixture of wheat, rice and barley beans. Typically, miso is a dark paste, the taste, color and consistency of which depends on its ingredients and the method of preparation. The most famous miso dish is miso soup, but miso is also used alone as a condiment or as an ingredient in sauces and marinades.

Rice vinegar

Rice vinegar is made from bitter rice wine. Most often they are seasoned with rice for sushi. Rice vinegar has a mild flavor, making it ideal for dressing salads, marinades and soups.


Mirin Is a sweet rice wine in syrup form. Mirin gives food a mild, sweet taste. It is used in broths and teriyaki sauce.

Marine Algae

Seaweed is used in Japanese and Chinese cuisine. They contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins, and are completely non-nutritive. Even a small amount of seaweed adds a rich flavor to soups, stews, salads and woks.

Nori Is the most popular red seaweed in Japan. Their thin dried leaves are often used for sushi. Nori flakes are also available to sprinkle on salads and wok-cooked dishes. Nori fully develop their flavor when roasted in a dry hot pan.

Aramaic Are black stripes of seaweed with a mild taste. Arame is soaked in water for 10-15 minutes before cooking or marinated. They are ideal for salads and soups.

Algae is also common in Japan. kombu and like this.

Oyster sauce

Dark oyster sows emphasizes the original taste of food. It is used as a seasoning for vegetables, beef, chicken and wok dishes.

Soy sauce

Soy sauce Is one of the staples in Asian cuisine. It replaces salt, adding umami flavor to the dish (the Japanese consider monosodium glutamate the “fifth taste”), and also imparts a beautiful dark shade. Japanese soy sauce, which is made without using wheat, tastes richer than Chinese soy sauce. Light soy sauce is considered especially aromatic. Soy sauce goes well with a variety of marinades, cream sauces, soups and stews. Remember that soy sauce contains 20% salt.


Rice paper sheets very popular in Vietnam. Various fillings of vegetables, shrimp or pork are wrapped in them. Rice paper rolls are often eaten dipped in a sauce (such as fish sauce or chili). Rice paper sheets are a ready-to-eat product: in order for it to soften, it only needs to be immersed in warm water for a short time.


Bean curd or tofu cheese widely used in Asian cuisine. It goes equally well with salty main courses, sour side dishes and sweet desserts. Tofu is neutral in taste, but it picks up the taste of the rest of the ingredients of the dish well.


Naan – traditional Indian bread, the dough for which is kneaded from milk, yogurt, wheat flour. The bread is baked in a tandori oven. Ideal for Indian cuisine. Always serve Naan bread warm: Spread a warm piece of butter on the bread and heat it in the oven for a few minutes.


Homeland tea is China. The tradition of drinking this hot drink has spread to other Asian countries. Green tea occupies the leading position in the East; jasmine tea is popular in northern China. In the culture of China and Japan, the tea ceremony is considered one of the most important meditation rituals.

One of the most important tea producers is India. Indians drink tea at least four times a day. Tea is served with snacks, lemongrass, cardamom, mint, cinnamon and milk are added to it. Latte tea is made up of strong black tea, milk, sugar and several spices.

In addition to traditional tea, “tea tiles” and “tea roses” are widespread in Asia. The method of compressing tea into tea tiles dates back thousands of years. The tile is made from the stem of the leaf, whole and crushed tea leaves, glued together with rice extract. A tea rosette, collected in a bunch, when brewed, gradually blooms and turns into a rose or peony.

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