Some diseases are easier to prevent, because once you find the first signs, you will not be able to cure them completely. One of them is diabetes mellitus, which in itself entails a lot of health problems – metabolic disorders, obesity. To prevent this disease, you should follow a diet, include physical activity in your leisure time and start loving such products:
Beans are rich in fiber, which reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes the feeling of satiety and stabilizes blood sugar levels. 100 grams of beans contains 10 percent of the daily norm of calcium – it participates in fat metabolism and helps to reduce weight. Beans are also a source of protein, while they do not contain fats, which means that you are not in danger of arterial sclerosis.
All berries contain polyphenols and fiber. For example, blackberries contain 7.6 grams of fiber per 100 g, and blueberries-3.5 grams. If you eat berries on a regular basis, blood pressure is normalized and the level of good cholesterol increases.
This fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Tuna also contains mercury, which is toxic to the body and the nervous system in particular, so eat tuna no more than 350 grams per week.
Dairy products
The combination of calcium and vitamin D makes dairy products extremely useful for preventing diabetes – the risk of getting sick with it is reduced by 33 percent.
This porridge is rich in fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol and improve insulin resistance. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, and insulin jumps are not so intense.
In 100 grams of cooked lentils, 16 grams of fiber and 360 mg of folic acid are practically the daily norm for an adult. Lentils are a source of vegetable protein.
Pearl barley
Pearl barley is rich in beta-glucan fiber, which record-breaking reduces the level of harmful fats and prevents them from being absorbed. One serving of pearl barley porridge can reduce cholesterol levels by almost 10 percent.
A cup of greens contains up to 6 grams of fiber and up to 250 grams of calcium, depending on the type. Greens are a source of folic acid, which can reduce the level of homocysteine. This amino acid provokes vascular sclerosis.
7 peeled nuts contain 2 grams of fiber and 2.6 grams of alpha-linolenic acid. It is worth considering the high caloric content of the nut, especially for people trying to lose weight.
Red wine
Red wine contains resveratrol. This is a compound that is able to regulate the level of insulin in the blood. Moderate consumption of red wine significantly relieves the condition and reduces the risk of diabetes.
Flaxseeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid, which reduces the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases, normalizes the level of sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood.
Cinnamon, in addition to its other useful properties, reduces blood glucose and triglyceride levels and increases insulin sensitivity.
Turmeric will not help prevent the development of the disease, but it significantly slows down its development. Turmeric is also one of the most effective antitumor agents.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains bioflavonoids, which reduce blood pressure and the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. And also just raise the mood – the key to good health.