The main problems of adaptation in the workplace and the most effective ways to solve this issue

Hello dear blog readers! Each of us at least once in his life faced with such a process as adaptation to a new workplace. This is just a colossal stress for the body, because an increased level of anxiety is not very good for health. The adaptation itself takes about two weeks, but sometimes lasts longer. It depends on your internal resources and ability to adapt to new conditions.

Your future depends on these first weeks, how you managed to show your competence to the management, what kind of relationships began to form with colleagues and whether you were able to take and feel your place, where you are comfortable and calm. Therefore, today I will share recommendations on how to successfully go through this difficult, but necessary process.


  1. The period of acute adaptation (It lasts about a month, sometimes it drags on up to 2). Usually at this time there is a comparison with the previous place of work, depending on the perception of the new one. If there is too much anxiety and worries, then there is a high probability of feelings and thoughts that he made a mistake, which was easier before, perhaps worse, but at least everything was familiar and understandable. Or vice versa, excessive charm, when it seems that you have found the place of your dreams and now it will be different and wonderful. It ends the moment you start noticing reality. Not everything is so one-sided, or bad, or good, when you feel that you are already confident and the assigned tasks are successful. There is practically no anxiety, the working day becomes predictable, and among colleagues there are those who are really glad to see you and with whom relationships have begun to form.
  2. Second period starts from the second month and up to about 5-6 months. The probationary period has passed, the requirements may become higher, and the person has relaxed a little, because he coped with the most difficult for himself, familiarized himself with the tasks, and joined the company. But in fact, the formal stage has been passed, and now the authorities can allow, with a greater load, to begin to criticize the work done. Because of this, irritation and anger, disappointment and resentment accumulate. This is such a moment of crisis, and it depends on the internal resources of a person, whether he will hold out or quit, unable to cope with stress and difficulties.
  3. Fasteningstarts after six months. The main problems are behind, the person has found his place among colleagues, has become well acquainted with internal traditions and foundations and successfully fulfills his duties.


The main problems of adaptation in the workplace and the most effective ways to solve this issue

  1. Professional. It consists in mastering and learning the specifics of the work. Depends on the field of activity, for example, a briefing is carried out, or a senior employee is assigned, who brings up to date and transfers the necessary knowledge, from whom the manner of communication and behavior of customers should be adopted. Sometimes a rotation is arranged, that is, a newcomer works a little bit in each industry of the company, then he studies the activities of the enterprise better and is aware of the nuances.
  2. Psychophysiological. This is the adaptation of a new employee to new working conditions for him. That is, he equips his place, laying out the necessary papers and his things as he likes, or as required by the regulations.
  3. Social, or socio-psychological. Sometimes the most difficult of all types. Namely, because it means the establishment of collegiate and professional relations. It can be delayed in time, due to various circumstances, for example, personal characteristics, internal resources of a newcomer, or the specifics of the most established team. There is such a thing as «mobbing», that is, «hazing», only in the labor market. Persecution or unfair treatment of the team in relation to one employee.

Causes of mobbing

  • When a lot of tension accumulates in the team itself, but there is no way out for this tension for a long period, then it may well “shoot” at a new person who is not so familiar, and while he is more like an object, because relationships have not formed.
  • The bosses do not know how to manage people, set goals, strategies and prioritize, therefore, they can affect the microclimate among employees.
  • Incorrectly established channel of communication between management and subordinates, in this case, the possession of any information causes the illusion of power in one of the colleagues, which he will manipulate.
  • When a company is in crisis, sometimes bullying is artificially arranged so that at the end of the probationary period you want to quit yourself, having worked pretty hard for the allotted time, giving all your best. Or say that you are not selected because you did not cope, but this is the case when there will be too many unjustified claims from the management against you.

You can read more about mobbing here.


The main problems of adaptation in the workplace and the most effective ways to solve this issue

 Give yourself the opportunity to pour in gradually, you have come to a new place, and even if you are well versed in the specifics of the work, you need to carefully look at the environment in which you find yourself.

And this means that initially you need to recognize the fact that at first you will be anxious, and possibly uncomfortable. And that’s okay.

Do not rush yourself and do not set super-tasks. Study your job responsibilities, otherwise, as old-timers, colleagues will be able to shift tasks to you that you are not required to perform.

  1. Considering that there will be a very large amount of information on the first working day, get a diary in which you will write out not only moments related to your duties, but also names, surnames, positions, telephone numbers, office locations, and so on.
  2. Ask questions without fear of looking stupid, the more you understand about the internal routine, the faster you will fall within. It is better to clarify once again than to make mistakes and try to correct them.
  3. Smile, goodwill will win you over, because not only do you look closely at the employees, it is also important for them to understand what kind of person came to them.
  4. In dealing with others, it is important to learn to balance between openness and caution. That is, do not tell initially, in order to make friends sooner, about something personal that can later “play” against you. But do not close completely, otherwise it will alert and set you against yourself. Especially you should not speak negatively about the previous place of work and gossip. Ethics, when you are not familiar, know how to listen and adhere to the principle of confidentiality, gives you a better chance to win over colleagues and directly superiors.
  5. Find out about existing traditions, perhaps some will be very useful to you. For example, in some companies it is accepted that the newcomer brings treats and sets the table. This helps to get to know each other and get closer in a more or less informal setting. It is only important to take into account established traditions and rules, and not introduce your own in the early days, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.
  6. It is important to stand up for your boundaries, gently but confidently, especially when they try to take advantage of you at the initial stage. That is, to take on work that you should not do. Sometimes psychological protection works, a person really wants to please and is afraid that in case of refusal he will be rejected, or he tries to “curry favor” in order to be appreciated and noticed. But this is a trap that a person arranges for himself, because in the future it will be more and more difficult to say: “no”.
  7. Be patient, if initially something did not go as planned and wanted, over time everything will get better and fall into place, the main thing is not to give up. There is little static in life, everything can be changed, the main thing is to be aware of your shortcomings and correct them. Regarding the working nuances, it is better if the authorities learn about your mistakes from you, and not from someone from the team.
  8. Be prepared for gender nuances. That is, people of the same sex are usually perceived as a competitor. Do not be afraid of this or avoid competing. This means that you have been evaluated as equal to yourself, or even better in some way, should not be taken as hostility. Unfortunately, sometimes, especially in the women’s team, you will have to withstand hidden aggression, that is, not directed directly, but with the help of gossip, dirty tricks, or give advice that is harmful. If a woman enters a male team, she is accepted easily, but not perceived as an equal and a professional. Therefore, you have to sweat to earn recognition. A man in a woman, on the contrary, is immediately recognized, but then they can bother with excessive attention, coquetry and flirting.
  9. Take a closer look and choose an employee who you think is the best, and strive to reach the same level, learn from him, this will motivate you for personal and professional growth.

How to relieve stress

The main problems of adaptation in the workplace and the most effective ways to solve this issue

  1. Ways to relieve excess tension are mainly related to visualization techniques. You can learn how this is done in my article on alpha rendering. In order to facilitate the process of mastering a new place, imagine, best of all, before going to bed and on the eve of the working day, that you are in your office. Just try to imagine it in the smallest detail, down to where the pen lies. Imagine that you have taken on duties and you are doing great.

    This exercise helps to relieve unnecessary anxiety, so as not to just worry, it is better to direct this energy in a pleasant direction so that adaptation is easier.

  2. If among the employees there is a person who is already very unpleasant to you, or maybe even a boss to whom you have no right to express your opinion, and it is harmful to accumulate anger in yourself, the Transformation method will come to the rescue. How does it usually happen when something causes strong negative feelings in us? That’s right, we are trying to switch and forget about the unpleasant situation. But as luck would have it, it doesn’t work out, our psyche is thus protected. You should do the opposite. On the way home, or wherever it suits you, imagine yourself in the place of this scoundrel. Reproduce his gait, manner of speaking, gestures, and so on. Play with this image. This exercise is very resourceful, because, in addition to the fact that aggression is legalized, tension passes, and sometimes insight occurs, being in the place of the offender, we can understand what exactly he wanted to say and why he did it.


That’s all, dear readers! Finally, I want to recommend reading my article “Methods for diagnosing motivation for success and the main ways to increase its level”,and then, relying on internal resources and knowledge, you will easily go through the adaptation period and all its types.

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