The main methods of psychological pressure on a person and 10 ways to resist them

Hello dear readers! Psychological pressure is used when it is necessary to influence both the opinion of another person and his decisions and actions. You may not always notice that they are trying to «pressure» you. The methods of influence are very ingenious, which, unfortunately, can change the course of the life of the person in relation to whom they are applied. And today we will look at its main types, as well as the ways in which we can protect ourselves.

Types and forms

There are a lot of them, but we will consider the most basic and most common ones.


Usually used in relation to a person who is weaker in some area that is obvious to everyone. For example, the boss has more power than his employee, which is why he requires the implementation of actions that you don’t want to do at all, but he doesn’t have the right to oppose this process, as it were.

It differs from ordinary manipulations in that the information comes directly, it is not veiled and not covered by some distracting nuances.


The main methods of psychological pressure on a person and 10 ways to resist them

An attempt not so much to force something to be done as to inflict pain, as if morally “crushing” the interlocutor. In this regard, the most unpleasant insults are selected, mainly related to appearance or character, since it is these areas, directly related to the personality, that hurt and reduce self-esteem.

Hearing unpleasant epithets in his address, a person loses self-control, confidence and the ability to think critically. Why, wanting to restore his significance, he agrees to immediately subsequent proposals to correct the situation and still perform some part of the work that he would not have agreed to before.


Complex view with elements of emotional violence. For example, you, having felt the manifestation of manipulation, are trying to clarify this point, and the interlocutor moves on to other topics, ignoring what you are saying, sometimes even indignant that you are pestering him and even slandering him.

Then, as they say, “cognitive dissonance” arises, that is, a feeling of contradiction, everything seems to be fine, at least according to the partner, but inside there is a lot of anxiety or confusion.


Pressure on a person, after which he becomes able to perceive absolutely any material presented by the aggressor, even if it is ridiculous and contradictory. But it is owned only by skilled craftsmen who were able to «grind» into the trust of their victim, earning her respect and recognition.

Sometimes hypnosis is used for suggestion, but there are people who are resistant to it, therefore, they are the only ones who are able to avoid the negative consequences of this method of coercion.


An attempt to influence another with the help of logic, the sequence of presentation of information and the use of facts. The number of arguments is confusing, which is why the “victim” ceases to criticize what was said, taking an imposed position.

Rhetorical questions

It makes no sense to answer them, and silence will serve as proof of your wrongness and agreement with the above.


Which is required. At first, they may unobtrusively hint that it’s time to “pay back”, in case you don’t understand or refuse to do something, they can connect threats, for example, exposure of something and so on.

trigger words

The main methods of psychological pressure on a person and 10 ways to resist them

They affect the emotional sphere of a person, they are usually used in advertising to increase sales. Triggers reflect the qualities that you want to possess. For example, «By doing this project, you will become a more promising employee.» Well, isn’t it tempting?

A person, having “pecked” at the trick, will already commit violence against himself, forcing him to do some work that is completely uninteresting, but promises to acquire the desired status.

Attracting influencers

Rather, a link to them. This is a classic when, at the moment of a conversation, a phrase is inserted about some person authoritative for both, who did something and spoke completely different from you.


They can describe future prospects in great detail, if you fulfill the request. Daydreams, dreams…the stake is placed on them, but the probable inconvenience and suffering are ignored. People are willing to go to great lengths to get what they want.

If this method does not help, they can, on the contrary, intimidate, drawing adverse consequences in case of refusal. Which, unfortunately, in a fit of anger from impotence are usually performed if the «victim» refused to respond and obey.

How to cope?

1. Straightness

In the case of pressure, it is very difficult to defend yourself, especially if the one who uses it has a clear advantage. The only way is to tell him directly that he is behaving too aggressively, and leaves no choice, why it is almost impossible to do and think something in such conditions.

There is a small percentage of people who are ashamed to admit to exceeding their official powers and, in general, to the fact that he uses his power, therefore, if such a person comes across, you are lucky, he will retreat and in some situations even apologize, if not, try other methods .

2. Work on yourself

Humiliation works effectively only with people who do not have confidence in themselves and their abilities. Why the only way out is to work on yourself, so as not to react and have your own opinion, on which you can rely.

So check out the tips in the article «The Best Ways to Become Successful to Finally Believing in Yourself».

3. Self-esteem

Only good self-esteem will also help avoid avoidance. If you are sure that there is a catch, feel free to clarify, preventing the interlocutor from continuing to use manipulation techniques.

For example, “No, it doesn’t seem to me, let’s still here, and now we’ll discuss this issue”, “Let’s better get back to the topic …, it confuses me in it …”, and so on.

4. Questions

The best way to resist pressure if you’re confused or don’t understand what’s going on is to try to buy time with clarification and clarification questions. Yes, and self-control will return to you faster, and the interlocutor will begin to gradually lose the stability of his position.

5. Open conversation

The main methods of psychological pressure on a person and 10 ways to resist them

When rhetorical questions are used, a complex type of psychological violence, there is practically no opportunity to «be saved». The only way out is to turn the conversation into an open conversation in order to speak out and show the accumulated emotions, otherwise only capitulation and acceptance of the accusations “shines”.

Here, for example, is what a husband might say in response to his wife’s question: «How can you be so insensitive?» or «Do you even realize what you’ve done?» In any case, he is already to blame, there is no point in denying it. But to say that “in general, yes, I usually understand what I’m doing, and I expected a completely different result from this act” makes sense, then he at least has the opportunity to be heard.

6. Unexpected turn

Try to determine for yourself what kind of advantage your partner relies on in a conversation with you. And tell him this in his eyes: “Do you want to make me agree with you just because you are higher in status or because I once made a mistake, and now you constantly point it out to me?”

7. Partnership

Offer to cooperate if you are being pressured into doing some unwanted duty.

8. Authority

When you connect with authority figures, emphasize that, despite all the respect, they are human beings, prone to making mistakes.

9. Mindfulness

As soon as you notice that you are being forced to do something using various manipulation techniques, just try to look at the aggressor, trying to see how facial expressions change depending on what he says, what gestures he uses and what he wears.

Such detailing will help to abstract a little so as not to turn on emotionally, and not give the opportunity to influence your consciousness. In this case, you will keep your sobriety of mind, giving a completely rational and logical rebuff.

10. Fantasy

The main methods of psychological pressure on a person and 10 ways to resist them

If you experience fear and anxiety at the moment of impact on you, for example, at work or school, and because of this you cannot stand up for yourself and “repel the attack”, imagine that a piece of cotton wool comes out of the speaker’s mouth with every word, or something else. more absurd — as he is at home, in pajamas sitting on the toilet.

This method helps to cope with tension and understand that the interlocutor, despite the power and position, is just as ordinary a person as you are.


I also recommend reading the article: “Who manipulates the feeling of pity and why this is a bad feeling.”

Take care of yourself, dear readers! To learn more about the methods of psychological violence, I recommend reading the article «10 effective methods of manipulating people.»

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