Despite the fact that imported washing machines have served flawlessly for more than 10-15 years, users quite often turn to service centers to repair Beko washing machines.
In most cases, the problems are mild, so we suggest considering cases where you can easily carry out repairs yourself.
Typical malfunctions of Beko washers
Having entrusted the inspection of the car to an experienced master, there is no doubt that he will quickly and professionally find what the problem is. But due to the high prices for services, many home craftsmen are trying to save money and do their own Beko washing machine repair.
Almost any CMA model can be repaired at home: ELB 57001 M, RKB 58801 MA, LNU 68801, etc.
This approach is fully justified – often repairs cost exorbitant prices, and sometimes the price is such that you can buy a new machine. At the same time, even the most “killed” car can last a few more years after repair.
Do not want to throw away the Veko machine and buy a new one? Try to figure out the problem yourself and fix everything with your own hands.
The device of the Beko washing machine also determines the nature of its breakdowns. Consider the typical malfunctions of washing machines of this brand:
- Water does not heat up to the set temperatures, washing goes in cold water on any program. Or vice versa – the water overheats.
- The tank fills slowly with water or does not fill at all.
- The Beko washing machine does not start because the door does not close tightly enough.
- Water is in the tank at the end of the wash (this may be accompanied by a strong hum).
- The rotation of the drum occurs with a rattle, rumble, clang and other uncharacteristic sounds.
- Not a single washing mode starts – all the lights on the machine blink. Or the program works, the indicator lights up, but the machine does not erase.
- I cannot start the machine with the power button (when the power cord is connected to the mains).
- Models with an electronic display give error codes H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 and H7. The machine is not working.
Important! There may be other signs of failure. We have reviewed the most common Beko SM users in Russia.
Features of typical breakdowns of Beko washing machines
As mentioned earlier, all malfunctions are accompanied by certain signs – from minor malfunctions to complete failure. The problem of a home master always lies in one thing – how to connect the existing signs of a breakdown with its causes. Here you just need the knowledge and advice of narrow specialists.
Next, we briefly summarize the main breakdowns.
Problematic discharge of waste water in Beko machines
If you know how to use a Beko washing machine, then you know that the water used after washing is never clear and clean – this is the specificity of washing. So that dirt, threads, hair, etc. do not clog the pump, there is a special drain filter on the way to it, which mainly suffers from blockages.
Your task is to find this filter, which is usually located at the bottom of the washer, under a small hatch or behind a panel. How to proceed next:
- Before removing the filter, do not forget to substitute a basin or lay a rag under the machine, because the remnants of waste water will surely pour out of the hole.
In a number of Beko models, along with the filter, an emergency drain hose is also included – with its help it is much more convenient to drain water into any container.
- To remove the filter, simply turn it to the right.
- Next, clean the filter by hand and rinse under a faucet.
- Armed with a screwdriver, you can also clean the pipe at the same time – it is usually also clogged with debris from waste water.
- Once you have tools at hand, do not rush to put them away – for prevention, clean the filter that is on the water supply (it is located at the place where the hose is attached to the rear panel). Sand and rust from the plumbing slowly collect in this filter and eventually interfere with the normal filling of water into the drum.
- After cleaning the inlet filter, do not rush to put it in place – also check the drain pump. Often, Beko washers, during self-diagnosis, find a pump breakdown and signal this using the H5 fault code. But with some breakdowns, the controller may not see minor violations – such as a loose impeller (you can identify it by hearing a hum).
- To check the pump, start the drain mode and look into the filter plug hole to see how the impeller behaves. If it rotates, then everything is in order, and if not, then you need to clean or even replace the pump.
Problem with water heating in Beko machine
To fix such a problem, you will also need at least a partial disassembly of the Beko washing machine, but more on that below.
First, let’s say that in SM one of the most vulnerable nodes is a thermoelectric heater, simply a heating element. The mineral salts present in the water under the influence of hot water crystallize and settle on the heater in the form of scale familiar to everyone – like in a teapot. Plaque does not let heat through, so the heating element does not give it to water and burns out.
If there is no scale, you have soft water, or you use special products, this does not mean that the heater could not burn out. The heating element has its own generation resource, and maybe its time has just come.
If the heating element fails, you will know about it by the errors H2 and H3. To be XNUMX% sure what happened to him, first get to the heater. In some Beko models it is at the back, in others it is in the front.
So, how to disassemble the Beko washing machine, find the heating element, check and replace it, read on:
- If the heating element is in front, then in order to remove the front panel, you need to remove the cuff of the hatch. To remove it, proceed carefully – if something goes wrong, then your activity is fraught with damage to the cuff and leaks.
- You will not see the entire heating element – only its shank with two contacts and wires going to them.
- Disconnect all wires.
- Take a tester and measure the resistance. Usually, 25-30 ohm marks will be normal. If the indicators are different (for example, infinity), then there is a breakdown.
- Remove the heating element by unscrewing the nut from the bolt that holds it under the drum.
- Clean the installation site from debris and plaque.
- Install the new heating element in reverse order, connecting all the wiring in place.
This video shows in strict sequence how to remove, check and replace the heater:
If the heating element turned out to be inactive, then you need to check the temperature sensor (thermistor). You will find it under the top cover. How to get and test the sensor:
- Remove the top cover by unscrewing the screws.
- The dismantling of the sensor is carried out with the removal of the cuvette for detergents and the control panel – all this makes it difficult to get to the element. Having reached the sensor, free it from the wires.
- The resistance measured by the tester in room conditions should be 4,7 kOhm.
- Heat the sensor in a glass of warm water – after that, the readings should drop. If this does not happen, the sensor needs to be changed.
- Installation of a new sensor is carried out in the same way as dismantling, only proceed in reverse order.
Do-it-yourself Beko electrical and electronics repair
If you have the knowledge and experience of repairing electrical appliances, then you will quickly eliminate breaks in contacts or their oxidation. You only need a diagram of the Beko washing machine – you will find it in the manual or on the manufacturer’s website, indicating the model of your SM.
As for electronics, everything is ambiguous here.
Repair or replacement of the electronic controller (control board) requires special knowledge and extensive experience.
Considering that an electronic module can cost as much as a third of your washing machine, it is not profitable to engage in amateur activities. Especially if the board needed minor repairs, which any master can do for little money. If you “sentence” the module, you will have to buy a new one, and an innocent breakdown will end in a complex and expensive repair.
Remember that it does not matter what characteristics your machine is designed for – they break in exactly the same way. If you got a 5 kg Beko washing machine, the malfunctions will be the same as in a similar 3 kg model. To prevent the Beko automatic washing machine from breaking down, we advise you to use the instruction manual and follow the rules prescribed there.