The main features of the labile type of personality accentuation

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of the site! The labile personality type is manifested in mood instability, which is associated with external circumstances.

That is, if a person was happy, but there was someone in sadness next to him, he will instantly lose all his joy and devalue the good that he had up to that moment.

In general, let’s find out in more detail about what he is, as well as how to build a relationship with him so that they are healthy and bring pleasure.

Main characteristic

As already mentioned, the main character trait is a frequent and unexpected change of mood. Such a person should just stumble on the stairs, as he risks losing a good mood for literally the whole evening.

And it would be fine, in his life he was pursued by failures, a large number of unsolvable problems arose. In this case, a sharp change of mood is understandable, tension and stress loosen the nervous system, which is why feelings turn out to be intense at times.

But in the case of the labile type, this happens just like that, for no reason at all. But he is able not only to be upset out of the blue, but also to experience happiness.

Suppose someone in public transport or on the street smiles at him — how the day will sparkle with new colors.

At the moment of meeting with friends or just acquaintances, he manages to live a whole range of feelings. In an hour of conversation, he manages to both laugh and cry. Naturally, this confuses others, but, getting used to such frequent manifestations of various emotions, it becomes clear and calm.

By the way, the way of life and attitude to it depends just on the mood. We can safely say that it controls him and his elections.

For example, when a labile person is sad, his appetite deteriorates, he may refuse to eat at all for the moment of experience. But as soon as the reasons for joy appear, they will instantly pounce on food, as if they had not eaten for a month.

He knows how to love and be faithful, show affection. Although at first glance it seems that emotional instability is an element of superficiality and frivolity.

In relationships, he appreciates comfort and intimacy, it is important for him to be close to such a person who will listen, support and encourage.

Also, he is ready to substitute his shoulder if necessary. And also to cheer, to please and just to say that everything will be fine.

He understands perfectly well that he is a person of mood, which is why self-esteem usually corresponds to reality. That is, he does not indulge in self-abasement and does not elevate his talents to heaven.

They have a well-developed emotional intelligence. Therefore, they almost always correctly recognize how they are treated and what they are trying to hide.


It is quite difficult to distinguish a child with this accentuation of character from other types. For example, a schizoid or an extrovert can be seen immediately, you can’t confuse them. Immediately, you will have to show more care in order to recognize the main signs of the presence of lability.

Although such children often suffer from various infectious diseases. That is, they have chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and even cholecystitis.

They love praise very much, so for the sake of a kind word they are literally ready to move mountains. At the same time, the moments when they are scolded and punished are very difficult to live through.

Yes, it is so difficult that they can simply become discouraged for a long period. So in the process of education, an authoritarian and rigid style, as well as the use of the «carrot and stick» method, should be avoided.

The main features of the labile type of personality accentuation

Try to motivate such a kid with pleasant words, thank him for his help, do not devalue his work and encourage even minor victories.

When a labile child is happy and well, he is looking for company, but if the mood deteriorates, he will avoid communication, trying to retire and be alone for such an unpleasant period of time.

He does not strive for leadership, because the main thing is emotional fullness due to contact with another person. Why competition, the struggle for power and first place is not for him at all.

Since it implies aggressive actions and reactions, if necessary, to protect one’s own personality and the place that one managed to take in a certain group. And this is not at all about the labile accentuation of character.

Hobbies are usually different, you can’t linger on one hobby for a long time, interest disappears. In principle, collecting, sports, gambling, and the like usually do not attract such a child. Preference is given to simple communication with friends and animals that are very loved.


  • Do not consider frequent mood swings as a deviation from the norm. There is a disorder called bipolar. It alternates between depression and mania. So, labile accentuation has nothing to do with mental illness. It is important to learn to accept this emotional instability, such a person, with such characteristics, and you cannot change him. So don’t complain about him. Make a simple decision, are you ready to put up with the fact that during the conversation he will have time to get upset and have fun, or not ready.
  • If you are the owner of this type of character, do not demand the impossible from yourself. Namely — a calm response to various events. Love yourself the way you are.
  • A little stability will help to bring meditation and other techniques that relax and allow you to feel harmony within yourself.
  • Keep a diary in which you write down the thoughts and feelings that bother you. Close people are in different states, which is why they are not always ready to listen to your complaints. And it is necessary to release tension, otherwise health will begin to collapse. And thanks to the records, you can track how often your health changes. Understand what you react negatively to more. Such information will allow you to adjust your life in such a way as to fill it with pleasant events as much as possible and protect yourself from stress.


And that’s all for today, dear readers!

Stay with us by subscribing to updates. And then you will get more information about what types of character accentuations exist, both according to Leonhard and Lichko.

For example, you can start with the psychasthenic type.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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