The main enemy of beautiful legs: find and neutralize
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Any woman wants to be beautiful. Many people very carefully monitor their appearance, moreover, this applies to absolutely all parts of the body: a hairdresser looks after the hair, a cosmetologist looks after the skin of the face and body, and a manicure and pedicure master for the beauty of nails. In the fight against extra pounds, diets and sports training are used, and the forces of masseurs are thrown into the fight against cellulite. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to keep track of such an important factor in the beauty of the legs as the health of the veins, without varicose veins and extensions. And many pay attention to their legs only when the situation is running.
2/3 of the world’s population have vein diseases, with varicose veins being one of the most famous1… And if earlier it was considered a problem for older people, then modern research2 proved that the first symptoms of varicose veins can appear at a young age.
In this article, we will tell you how to detect the first signs of venous disease so as not to trigger the disease, as well as how to keep your legs healthy and beautiful!
How are vein diseases manifested and what are varicose veins?
The name of varicose veins comes from the Latin word “varix” (knot), as the veins swollen under the skin resemble twisted knots. Most often, the legs suffer from this disease, this happens for several reasons. As we know, blood circulates in the human body in 2 circles – small and large. Our heart begins to move and pushes it through the vessels, which contracts in a certain rhythm. Because of gravity, blood moves easily from top to bottom, but in the opposite direction it is much more difficult. There are special valves in the veins through which blood flows only in one direction – to the heart and does not flow back. If the valves are damaged and do not completely block the lumen of the vein, blood stagnates in the veins of the lower extremities and “goes astray”, blood flow is disturbed. Varicose veins gradually develop – the veins expand, become tortuous, swelling, pain, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs appear.
How to understand that you are at risk?
Physical inactivity, most acute during self-isolation, and sedentary behavior life can provoke stagnation of blood in the lower extremities and, as a result, the development of varicose veins, as the outflow of blood worsens. This applies to all of us, and first of all – office employees, as well as those who are used to traveling mainly by car.
Prolonged standing, in which there is a slowdown in the flow of venous blood. This is common in many professions such as teachers, hairdressers, salespeople, waiters, cooks and bartenders, pharmacy staff, and many healthcare professionals (eg surgeons, nurses, massage therapists).
Hereditary predisposition… In more than half of cases, the disease is transmitted from mother to daughter.
Female. Varicose veins in women occurs several times more often than in men. This is due to the structural features of the body: in women, the vessel walls are thinner. In addition, women are more likely to wear high-heeled shoes, which is one of the provoking factors for the development of the disease.
Also, varicose veins can occur against the background of pregnancy as a result hormonal changes organism or as a result taking hormonal drugs (estrogens, gestagens), as well as during menopause.
You can estimate your risk of venous disease by answering the test questions
What are the symptoms of varicose veins and other vein diseases?
“Internal” (they are also called subjective symptoms): leg pain, fatigue, feeling of swelling, heaviness in the legs. Usually, these unpleasant sensations intensify at the end of the day, after prolonged sitting or standing, after a hot bath or bath, and decrease after resting in a horizontal position or walking.
“External” signs: protruding dilated, often tortuous saphenous veins, visible spider veins and spider veins. At later stages, visible edema, changes in skin color, and its hardening may appear.
What if you find symptoms in yourself?
Varicose veins have several stages. So if you regularly feel heaviness in your legs, notice swelling or other changes, then you should not ignore these symptoms. In the early stages, most often, you can do without surgery.
To avoid stagnation of blood in the legs, doctors recommend wearing special compression stockings or knee-highs, exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle. Also, doctors prescribe venotonic drugs.
One of the frequently prescribed venotonics are drugs, the active ingredient of which is DIOSMIN. This substance increases venous tone, reduces venous congestion, improves lymphatic drainage, has anti-edema and anti-inflammatory effects.
French drug
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Be healthy!
1 Vuylsteke ME, Colman R, Thomis S, Guillaume G, Van Quickenborne D, Staelens
I. An Epidemiological Survey of Venous Disease Among General Practitioner
Attendees in Different Geographical Regions on the Globe: The Final Results of
the Vein Consult Program. Angiology. 2018 Oct; 69(9): 779-785.
2 Observational multicenter study “VEIN CONSULT”, conducted in 20 countries of the world for 2 years