The main beauty trends of 2021 that everyone will be obsessed with
Let’s talk about the upcoming trends in makeup, manicure and hair coloring that will not bypass us this year.
After the end of the difficult 2020 and the onset of 2021, there is a desire for change in all spheres of life. And a change of image is the easiest and most effective way to start a new chapter, to open yourself from a completely different side. We decided to collect predictions of the beauty guru about the main trends that can inspire you for a bold transformation.
1. Peach hair shades
An excellent option for those who have long dreamed of trying a daring, seductive and vivid image. Colorists recommend paying attention to tint masks that blondes can use at home on their own. Feel free to mix different colors: for example, peach and pink. Or leave a couple of blonde strands like hair stylist Maggie Hancock did.
2. “Skinimalism”
Skinimalism comes from a combination of the words skin and minimalism. Accordingly, in makeup, this means emphasizing the natural beauty of the skin with a light make-up. Dense foundation, contouring and layers of makeup have long faded into the background. High-quality skin care, face-building and weightless, shining makeup are in trend.
3. Hair crabs
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We boldly borrow ideas for hairstyles from Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner and Anastasia Ivleeva. Yes, yes, the style of the 90s will gain even more popularity this year. Therefore, we stock up on crabs, crackers and other hairpins, which we loved so much in childhood, and introduce them into everyday styling.
4. Acid liners
In makeup, we continue to focus on the eyes (no one canceled protective masks). Therefore, bright neon pencils, eyeliners and markers for the eyes remain the favorite makeup options for celebrity makeup artists. And for parties, try the ’80s-style graphic arrows with lines along the crease of the upper eyelid. Then the title of the most stylish girl will be guaranteed to you.
5. Colored jacket
Kylie Jenner fell in love with French manicure using bright colors last year. But the rest of the fashionistas are imbued with feelings for such a design just now. You can choose one bright color (indigo is ideal for winter) or decorate each nail with an individual shade. As for the shape, take a look at the almond-shaped and sharp options for long nails.