the magical properties of the stone, which signs of the zodiac are suitable

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What are rubies

People have known ruby ​​for 2500 years. It is a mineral, a type of red solid mineral corundum and one of the most popular gemstones for jewelry. Chromium impurities give the stone a red color. In nature, there are also blue corundums called sapphires.

Ruby jewelry seduces with a play of color: the chrome in the composition of the ruby ​​gives an amazing effect of radiance. The intense red color evokes curiosity and admiration. Jewelery with ruby ​​has always been valued and is appreciated today by both women and men.

At the beginning of the last century, people learned to synthesize rubies artificially. Clockwork and lasers work on rubies.

Real clean stones are mined everywhere except Antarctica. But they are quite rare, therefore they are more expensive than diamonds. Depending on the mining area, they are available in different shades of red, from light to rich. The most famous are the rubies from Myanmar.

These gemstones are unique due to their quality and color, which is also reflected in their price. Stones from Madagascar are also popular and prized for their exceptional quality. They show excellent color and unusual sizes – there are stones weighing more than five carats! Stones of this size are extremely rare.

The quality of ruby ​​is associated with defects – bubbles, stripes, cracks associated with the microelement chromium. Defects are an important trait for gem connoisseurs because these inclusions are considered an indicator of the authenticity of the stone.

There are several famous rubies in the world surrounded by fascinating stories. They were used in luxurious crowns, precious earrings and pompous bracelets, having arrived in Europe from India at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Nobles and monarchs adorned themselves with luxurious rubies, set in silver and gold.

the magical properties of the stone, which signs of the zodiac are suitable

Ruby: properties of a stone

No precious mineral is associated with love and passion like ruby. His element is Fire. Symbolizes power, strength and energy. It is able to cure many ailments, from depression and chronic fatigue to heart disease and stomach ulcers.

The ruby ​​has long been considered a talisman. But wearing it constantly is not recommended. From time to time, the stone must be removed at night or for several days. Ruby jewelery testifies to the superior taste, style and status of their wearers.

Ruby and zodiac signs

  • Suitable for Leo and Sagittarius.
  • Taurus should be careful when wearing jewelry.
  • Not suitable for Virgo, Cancer, Gemini and Scorpio.

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