Beliefs about food and its healing properties are used incorrectly by companies to market their product, contrary to the reality of its true function in the body.
Common foods are attributed properties of all kinds: honey, royal jelly, wheat germ or the famous garlic, among many others, but not all products are magical.
Foods have properties because they are made up of molecules that interact with those of the body, however, simply, food does not heal, according to what we understand by healing.
“Medicines cure; Cure surgery; Food does not lose weight or degrease like 3 in 1 ”
When, for example, some nutrient has biochemical characteristics that make it lipolytic (which mobilizes fat), this characteristic is immediately used by the marketing departments of the companies that produce it to launch products with encouraging messages.
Many times this or other actions of the nutrients occur only under certain conditions in our body and not always when we take the miracle capsule.
The importance of diets in health
Without the proper diet, the goal is not reached, and we always return to the same in nutrition, to the Diet. There is no choice, if you want to achieve something, you always have to go through dietary control.
If you want to take imported berries from the edge of the world with this or that acid that will leave your silhouette like an ear of wheat… there you. With or without magic product, without a proper diet you are not going anywhere.
But it is also that the abuse of these products also often has negative effects. For example, the continued use of certain laxatives without medical or pharmaceutical supervision.
However, the correct combination of foods over time (the diet) is the main basis to remain in a correct state of health, and lose weight if said diet is hypocaloric, and prescribed specifically for the case in question.
Sometimes it will also be able to reverse inappropriate physiological states, for example high cholesterol, which will free us from the possibility of suffering a heart attack. But we will not have saved eating nuts or fish with oméga-3, or rather, those products that are advertised as rich in omega-3, but a correct nutritional status.
But no, nothing frees us and will never (I never mean) get a little bad, bad or very bad. Nature is like that. So in the face of all that misleading advertising that speaks of all those wonders thanks to one or some of the components of the magical product or food in question, the answer must always be our distrust.
Within the chapter on “curative” foods, even pseudosciences such as “trophology”, a branch of modern naturism, make their way. The problem is singular, since the number of publications that can be found in bookstores within easy reach is proportional to the degree of organization of these currents.
Books like “the power of juices” are sold without more, like unsafe medicine on the internet. I will return to the confusion that they constantly use for the sole purpose of raising money: juices have vitamins. Vitamins are good in the right amounts. Scientifically proven. Juices do not cure anything. This is a health hazard of the first magnitude.
El isbn register books for free. So they are controlled. Now they need to be inspected. Because the health of citizens is supposedly protected by law. Again, as with the magic diets I already talked about, the subtlety of scientific terms is a good breeding ground for generating false expectations about the results of consuming certain foods and products.
So little by little we will reel off and advance in subsequent entries, what are they and how are those miraculous products or foods that, although they contain very beneficial properties for the body, by themselves are not a source of Food Beatification.