The lower back hurts and pulls: the reasons. Video
80% of people suffer from back and lower back pain from time to time. And about 2 million visit a doctor every year because of related problems. Sometimes back pain, especially in the lumbar part, is a symptom of a serious medical condition. But in most cases, such a signal from the body does not carry anything terrible. True, it is rather difficult to make an accurate diagnosis in this situation.
In 90% of cases, back pain is unclear, doctors say. In this case, seizures in a person will be repeated until a reason is found and appropriate treatment is carried out.
People rarely think about how much they abuse their backs during the day – sitting unevenly, walking a lot, carrying weights, etc. Without thinking about it at all, they then notice with surprise the appearance of back pain.
Doctors warn: if pains appear regularly and are severe enough, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is worth visiting an orthopedist or surgeon, gynecologist and therapist
Causes of pain in the lumbar spine
There are quite a few reasons why women begin to pull the lower back. Doctors have even compiled a whole list of problems that lead to such consequences.
- menstruation
- pregnancy
- big breasts
- osteoporosis
- uncomfortable high heels
- carrying weights, etc.
During the next menstruation, women often have fluid retention in the body. This is due to hormonal fluctuations, as a result of which the metabolism slows down and water is retained in the tissues. This phenomenon is absolutely natural, but as a result, another 2-3 kg is added to the usual weight of a lady. The back, on the other hand, reacts to such overloads with pulling sensations in the lower back. This happens because the center of gravity is shifted and the load on the back muscles is redistributed.
Pregnancy acts on the back according to the same principle as the excess accumulated fluid, i.e. adds extra weight to the body. In addition, at the time of bearing a child, a woman experiences the most real hormonal storms. In her body, progesterone is actively produced, which helps to weaken the ligaments and joints. All these factors together put a triple load on the spine. Naturally, it responds with lower back pain.
However, during pregnancy with low back pain, you need to be very careful. After all, this symptom may still indicate the beginning of labor or miscarriage.
Large breasts can cause back pain (or even just unpleasant aching symptoms). It would seem that there is no special relationship, in fact, they are very strongly related to each other. The appearance of lower back pain in this situation occurs due to the fact that the center of gravity is shifted forward to support the chest. The back turns out to be bent. In this case, the woman must somehow move. Balance problems are noted as a result of the shift in the center of gravity. The muscles experience tremendous overload, as a result of which they give a feeling of aching and pulling pain in the lumbar region.
Osteoporosis, or thinning of bone tissue, is another factor that leads to pain in the spine. Moreover, women are more susceptible to this factor than men.
Naturally, most often the lower back begins to hurt in response to the walking of ladies in high heels, especially if a woman uses stilettos. Everything is quite banal here.
The high heel makes the position of the foot unnatural, the center of gravity moves, since the feet are not 100% capable of fulfilling their task of supporting the body
As a result, the back again takes the brunt of the blow. It is worth remembering that too high heels and stiletto heels should only be used on special occasions. For daily wear, the best option would be shoes with a heel no higher than 5 cm.
Carrying heavy weights is also very detrimental to health. Not only does a woman loaded with bags look like a tortured horse, but it also leads to lower back problems. It is enough to wear more than 5 kg every day in order to rub the lower back with a warming cream and wrap it with a scarf in a month.
Another reason for the appearance of pulling pain in the spine is damage to the spine. For example, if there was an injury – you fell, you were hit, etc., in favorable conditions for this, the spine may become ill, including in the lumbar region.
What to do to get rid of lower back pain
To choose a strategy for treating low back pain, you definitely need to analyze your rhythm of life. Go through the reasons and try to find the one that you think works best for you.
Of course, you should see a doctor. However, up to this point, you need to try to alleviate your situation. So, for example, if the cause of your lower back pain is hidden in your period, take a diuretic. They will help flush excess fluid from the body and provide a comfortable and familiar body weight for your back. As diuretics, both finished medicinal products and ordinary herbal infusions can act.
For pregnant women, doctors recommend using light physical exercises to help avoid the appearance of pulling and aching lower back pain. Such exercises will not threaten the life and health of the baby, and they will help you to make your pregnancy more comfortable.
It should be borne in mind that if you are generally prohibited from any physical activity during pregnancy – for example, you have a threat of miscarriage, you will have to endure
Ladies with large breasts can solve the problem of lower back pain simply by purchasing and using a special bra. It has wide enough straps that are able to relieve the back and distribute the load on the muscles correctly.
If osteoporosis becomes the cause, then you cannot delay – treatment must be started immediately. In general, it is better to worry about prevention in advance. Remember that women who have already started menopause are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis.
As for heels, you just need to choose the right shoes and alternate them with such beautiful but harmful shoes.
Back pain in the lumbar region
Carrying weights should also be as thoughtful as possible. If you cannot refuse it, at least distribute packages between two hands. But remember that they should be about the same in weight.
It is worth remembering that some types of pelvic neoplasms – both benign and cancerous – can also cause pain in the lower back. In addition, quite serious diseases of the female genital area can also become the cause.
Among the reasons are:
- endometriosis
- dysmenorrhea
- myoma of the uterus
- kidney and vascular damage
- diseases of the nervous system
- cancerous tumors (ovaries, uterus, etc.)
In these cases, to make an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to pass tests and undergo tests on a computed tomography. It is also worth visiting a gynecologist and checking if everything is in order.