The longest rivers in the world: table

Below is a table with the longest rivers in the world (in descending order of their length), which includes: names; length (in kilometers); source and mouth; the countries in which they flow; geographic features that distinguish them from other rivers.

(7100 от истока Укаяли)»>6400

(7100 от истока Укаяли)

(4400 вместе с дельтой)»>4294

(4400 вместе с дельтой)

(4092 вместе с Большим Енисеем)»>3487

(4092 вместе с Большим Енисеем)

(Карское море)»>Енисейский залив

(Карское море)

numberriver nameLength, kmSourceThe mouthCountriesGeographical features
1Neil6650Lake VictoriaMediterraneanEgypt, Sudan, Uganda, South SudanThe longest river in the world
2Amazonconfluence of the rivers: Maranion and UcayaliAtlantic OceanBrazil, Colombia, PeruThe deepest river in the world
3Changjiang6300TibetEast China SeaChinaThe longest and most abundant river in Eurasia
4Yellow River5464Tibetan HighlandsYellow SeaChinabecause of the corresponding color of its waters.” data-order=”Often referred to as the ‘yellow river’ из-за corresponding to the color of its waters. “> Often called the “yellow river” из-за corresponding to the color of its waters.
5Congo4370Lake Tanganyika, Chambeshi, East African Rift, Lake MweruAtlantic OceanAngola, Zambia, DR Congo, Republic of the CongoThe deepest and second longest river in Africa; the deepest river in the world.
6LenaBaikal RangeLaptev seaOur CountryThe largest river
7Irtysh4248Merger: Jhalgyzagat-He and Ul-Turgen-Heriver ObChina, Kazakhstan, Our CountryLeft tributary of the Ob
8Ob3700 (together with the Irtysh – 7948)confluence of the rivers: Biya and KatunGulf of Ob (Kara Sea)Our CountryTogether with the Irtysh – the longest watercourse in Our Country
9Missouri3767confluence of the rivers: Jefferson and MadisonMississippi riverUSAThe longest river in North America, a tributary of the Mississippi
10Mississippi3730 (together with Missouri – 7497)Gulf of MexicoUSAMain river of North America’s largest river system
11Yeniseiconfluence of the rivers: Big Yenisei and Small YeniseiOur CountryThe second longest river in Our Country

Note: River – a large stream of water created by nature that flows along the channel (natural depression). A river originates at its source and ends at its mouth, flowing into a lake, bay, sea, ocean, or other river.

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