The longest hair in the world. Video

The longest hair in the world. Video

Long and beautiful hair attracts attention and is in many ways an indicator of human health. Girls who are trying to grow a long braid usually note that each person has a length limit, which is very difficult to overcome. However, there are people in the world whose hair does not stop growing.

The longest hair in the world: video

One of the owners of the longest hair in the world is Chinese Xie Qiuping. When her record was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in 2004, her hair was 5,62 m. The record holder, born in 1960, has not had a haircut since the age of thirteen.

Another Chinese woman, 55-year-old Ni Lingmei from Taiyuan, Shanxi province, has a head of hair about 2,5 meters long. She has been offered money for her hair more than once to use it later in salons for extensions. But Ni refuses to get her hair cut. Washing and combing hair takes a woman many hours, with the help of her daughters.

The only thing long-haired Ni Linmei doesn’t like is the need to buy shampoos often.

Hair about 2 m long is owned by Tatyana Pismennaya from Volgograd, holder of the title “The Longest Hair in Russia”. She grows them from the age of nine (more than 40 years), and the maximum they reached 2,75 m. But, according to Tatiana, the hair had to be somewhat shortened to make it easier to walk and ride in transport. From time to time, the woman thought about cutting off her braid, but her husband and son dissuaded her from doing it. She spends several hours washing her hair and consumes a whole bottle of shampoo, she does it once a week. Drying naturally without a hairdryer takes a whole day, and combing it takes about an hour.

The owner of the world’s longest dreadlocks is African-American Asha Mandera from South Florida. She has been growing her dreadlocks 2,6 m long for over 20 years. She washes her hair no more than once a week, using a bottle of shampoo and conditioner. Hair completely takes 2-3 days to dry.

To care for hair several meters long, their owners have to spend many hours and constantly buy another shampoo.

Until recently, the owner of the longest hair in the world was considered a man – Vietnamese Tran Van Hai (1931–2010). He had been growing them for 50 years, but not for aesthetic reasons, but because he noticed that after visiting hairdressers he began to get sick. The length of his head of hair reached 6,8 m. The man did not care about the appearance of his hair and did not wash it for several years, so it turned into tangles and looked like a long thick rope that was laid around the head in the form of a hat. Tran Van Hai was engaged in alternative medicine, he treated everyone free of charge for various diseases in his home, in the province of Kien Gian.

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