The location of the rooms in the house, how to arrange the rooms correctly
In order to correctly plan the arrangement of rooms in the house, it is necessary to take into account the cardinal points, the purpose of the premises, the wishes of family members and other factors. You also need to take care that future housing is functional and comfortable.
Location of rooms in the house
To maximize the use of free space, you should abandon the corridors, and instead arrange a walk-through room in the middle of the house, which can be used as a living room. If the living space is not large in size, you can make several adjacent rooms.
When planning the layout of rooms in the house, consider their purpose.
You need to combine rooms with the same purpose:
- kitchen and dining room;
- bedroom and bathroom;
- dining room and living room.
A large area can be zoned. This will allow you to connect several rooms, getting rid of unnecessary partitions and interior doors.
How to arrange the rooms in the house correctly?
Each room must meet certain requirements:
- the bedroom should be comfortable and cozy. It cannot be done as a checkpoint, as this will interfere with good rest. If the windows face east, you should purchase blackout curtains. The dimensions of the room should be in the range from 7 to 20 sq. m;
- living room – spacious enough for family members to spend time together without interfering with each other. The optimal sizes are from 14 to 25 sq. m. This room can be the center of the house, from which you can get to other rooms;
- the kitchen can take the place of the living room in the center of the dwelling. If the room is large, you can also organize a dining room here. Kitchen area should not be less than 10 sq. m.
You should also consider the location of the bathrooms, hallway and utility rooms.
Good arrangement of rooms in the house relative to the cardinal points
When planning the placement of premises, it is necessary to take into account the cardinal points. A competent arrangement of rooms will allow you to effectively use natural light and heat from the sun. Living room windows should face south, which will allow you to get maximum natural light. In addition, such an arrangement will reduce heat loss in winter and save the room from overheating in summer.
When planning the layout of rooms, you need to take into account the wishes and needs of all family members. Only in this case each resident will be able to feel comfortable in a new home. To avoid mistakes in planning, you should consult with an experienced architect.
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