The life of Theophan the Recluse – bishop, theologian and preacher

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Hermits, hermits, recluses … A special class of monks who retire not only from the world, but also from the brethren, has existed since time immemorial. Among the most revered is the Orthodox theologian and preacher Georgy Govorov, aka Theophan the Recluse.

The life of Theophan the Recluse – bishop, theologian and preacher

Biography of Theophan the Recluse

The future bishop was born in the village of Chernava (formerly the Oryol province) on January 10, 1815. Father George, the fourth of seven children, served as a priest. It is not surprising that the son was assigned to a theological school.

Youth and education

What was given to many teenagers with difficulty – a strict charter, many disciplines that require memorization – George took easily and naturally. In 1829 he was transferred as an excellent student to Oryol, to the seminary.

At this time, the best minds taught there – philosophers, theologians, and philologists. Here George showed himself again, becoming the first among the first. At the same time, the teachers noted that the young man was not only gifted, but distinguished by meekness and silence.

After the seminary, George found himself in the “cradle” of Orthodox enlightenment – the Kiev Theological Academy. In the midst of his studies, he lost his parents: in 1838 he buried his mother, and in 1840 his father. Obviously, this influenced his attitude and helped to determine the choice of the path. At the beginning of 1841 the student Govorov was tonsured and the monastic name – Theophanes.

Carier start

The hieromonk graduated from the Academy brilliantly. With a master’s degree in theology, he received two appointments at once:

  1. Lead the Kiev-Sophia Theological School.
  2. Teach Latin.

However, a year later, 27-year-old Georgy-Feofan was transferred to the post of inspector of a theological seminary in Novgorod. And in October 1844 he was enrolled as a bachelor in the capital’s theological academy.

However, Georgy-Feofan performed a much wider range of public and personal duties. He taught, published. He was a member of the committee for the study of theological abstracts, was a hieromonk of the Holy Trinity Lavra.

In Palestine

In 1847, together with the Russian mission, Theophanes asceticised in Jerusalem. Here he learned Greek, French, Arabic and Hebrew. He mastered icon painting, began to translate ancient spiritual works.

It seemed that he was interested in everything: cult architecture, written monuments, the way of monasteries … And also the life of ascetics, their inner feat.

The translations, journalism of the monk Theophanes were appreciated by the Synod: the author was presented with a golden cross. Returning to Russia, Govorov crossed several European countries. In each he visited temples, universities, museums, libraries. The learned hieromonk also visited the Vatican, where he talked with Pope Pius IX.

Archimandrite and bishop

For some time Govorov taught in St. Petersburg. There in 1855 he received the rank of archimandrite, then at the Olonets seminary, where he was appointed rector. In 1856 he was again sent abroad, this time to Constantinople, as the rector of the ambassadorial church.

And again, the Synod was pleased with the work of its messenger: Govorov was awarded the Order of St. Anna.

Since 1857, Archimandrite Theophan held the post of rector of the Theological Academy of St. Petersburg. He was responsible for the study of the law of God in the gymnasiums, led the committee at the Academy of Sciences. But in the spring of 1859 he received an order to accept the rank of bishop and head the Tambov diocese.

Vladyka was in charge of many parishes, monasteries, and educational institutions. But this vast economy did not prevent Feofan from continuing his scientific and writing activities. In addition, the bishop was known as an unsurpassed preacher. It was surprising that he proclaimed lectures, teachings and edifications impromptu.

Voluntary shutter

In 1863 Feofan was entrusted with the huge Vladimir diocese. And although he coped with both property and missionary duties (for which he received another order), the bishop began to feel weary about his earthly appointment.

In his letters, he confessed that he wanted to serve the Church in a different way – with concentrated prayer, deep study of sacred texts, without being distracted by something else.

In September 1866, his dream came true: Theophanes settled in the Vyshenskaya desert, in a separate outbuilding. And six years later, he finally “went into the lock.” In his cell, Theophan set up a tiny church and for 11 years served in it every day, without leaving the door.

The life of Theophan the Recluse – bishop, theologian and preacher

The bishop also continued to work in the field of journalism and translation. By his own admissions, he did not suffer from loneliness at all. Every day he received and answered 20-40 letters. The recluse wrote that one can travel without leaving the room, or, on the contrary, fill the room with peace.

Recluses rarely break their vows of solitude. For the bishop, such a moment was the visit of the governor. Theophanes went out to the visitor in order to show not respect for rank, but meekness, obedience to worldly authorities. After all, Caesar is Caesar’s …

Care and memory

The life of Theophan the Recluse is a striking phenomenon in the history of the Church. He left behind hundreds of theological works and thousands of letters. In them, he predicted many events – for example, the revolution and the Red Terror.

Theophan the Recluse has collected a huge, unique library. He enriched Christian teachings with personal prayers, instructions, advice on a righteous life. He taught thousands of spiritual children to pray correctly – so that prayer, like rays, would flow from the heart.

Theophan the Recluse died in 1894, on the day of the Baptism of the Lord. Despite the fact that the elder was ill and partially blind, he died without causing any trouble. All alone. It is believed that at the time of Christian holidays people close to God leave. Undoubtedly, such was the famous bishop, preacher and ascetic.

In 1988 Theophan the Recluse was canonized. He continues to pray for us alongside Orthodox saints – Gregory the Theologian, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom.

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