The Life Balance Wheel Technique and how to put it into practice

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Today we will learn how to make a life balance wheel, the so-called mandala of harmonious being, in order to understand what exactly is worth paying attention to in the first place. After all, for example, caring too much about money, a person can stop making efforts in the family sphere. And then be surprised and upset that a divorce suddenly broke out. And to prevent this from happening, I propose to consider the step-by-step instructions provided below.

What’s this

This technique is actively used in coaching, as it helps to identify the weak points not only of the individual, but of the whole company. Remember, in the article “How to set goals correctly in order to achieve success in any activity”, we talked about how important it is to be able to plan and prioritize correctly? So, the wheel method is such a litmus test for monitoring how correctly the tasks were defined and what results were achieved.

It is very easy to do this, you do not need complex calculations and tables, since even a child will clearly understand whether your life is harmonious or not, just by imagining whether the drawn wheel will roll, or still some area needs to be improved for balance. It will be easier for you to define your desires and achieve a sense of happiness by getting rid of the anxiety that something is missing. You will become more aware and responsible, especially if you take steps to correct the situation. You will also be able to evaluate the effectiveness of previous efforts.


So, how to make a wheel of life? To do this, you will need a pen, a sheet of paper and a compass, or some kind of round object that you can circle around.

Drawing rules

Draw a circle and divide it into sectors by drawing the spokes. There can be from 6 to 10 of them. This is your personal drawing, so you determine both the number and the names of the areas yourself, choosing the appropriate ones. You rate each life zone on a scale from 1 to 12, up to 10. It looks like this:

The Life Balance Wheel Technique and how to put it into practice

The main knitting needles that are most often found


Analyze how long the examinations took place, how do you feel? Are there bad habits that significantly worsen well-being?


Do you do sports to keep your body in shape? Do you like the way it looks?


Are there close people in your environment, next to whom you feel comfortable, on whom you can lean and share not only sorrows, but also happiness?


And it doesn’t matter if you are married or just dating, does the relationship bring you joy? Should they change something?


Although these two areas are similar, here we are talking about the parental family. Can you feel the acceptance and love of your father, mother? How long ago did you last talk? Do you help them?


It doesn’t matter if you are a plumber or the head of a large company, how satisfied you are with what you do. Are you excited to go to work in the morning, or do you just have to? Is there an opportunity for career growth if you really want it?


It is clear that there is never a lot of money, and in general people feel the desire to have even more money. But still, try to analyze whether you are satisfied with your salary or profit?


How strong is your faith, whether in God or just in yourself? How much do you care about spirituality? If in doubt about this area, see the article on spiritual development.


When was the last time you were at an exhibition, theater or opera? Maybe you like to do something with your own hands? Do you sing or dance? Creativity is important in our life, with the help of it a person copes with stress, and gets the opportunity to release the accumulated energy that destroys the body, as well as to be inspired.

Personal growth

Self-development is very important, if you do not devote time to it, you will not be aware of yourself, from which the chances of achieving success will decrease significantly, as will life satisfaction.

Recreation and leisure

If your days are not filled with bright emotions, then the spokes of other areas will also go down, because both health and career with family will suffer. How long have you been having fun?


This is a very important component, which also intersects with relationships and health. Are you enjoying enough? Are you satisfied with your partner? Is it possible to realize excitement directly with the help of sex?

Working with the wheel

1. Ask yourself the question: “How satisfied am I with this area of ​​my life?”, And, armed with multi-colored pencils, paint each area. For example, it might look like this:

The Life Balance Wheel Technique and how to put it into practice

Now it’s clearer why it sometimes doesn’t roll?

2. It is time to set new goals and objectives, to rethink, and possibly reconsider our values. If the wheel is too out of balance, focus as much as possible on the “neglected” areas of life, giving yourself a period of 2 months to correct the situation. After this time, go through this exercise again to see if you managed to correct the situation.

3. By the way, uniformity on a scale is not the main indicator of life satisfaction, if, for example, you gave each area 2 points, then everything seems to be even, but the ball is very small, and this indicates that you will have to make a lot of effort so that it approaches at least the average mark.


  1. If you are not interested in drawing, there is a program in which you can do the same thing online as on a sheet, saving time on drawing. The only thing is that it will not be possible to plan activities to correct the situation online. You can find it by writing in a search engine, a lot of sites provide the opportunity to take this test for free.
  2. Despite the results, it is recommended to write down the upcoming development tasks for each area.
  3. There are situations when, for example, a person is satisfied with even a low score on the scale and is not going to change anything. For example, quit smoking, or get married, play sports, and so on. Therefore, think about how much you want to change the situation in some area and start moving a little. You know, there are no ideal people, and at the same time it will be difficult to correct all the components of your life. And, in order not to run into disappointment and anger, do not set yourself unrealistic goals to be in time everywhere and everywhere. Start gradually with one thing, after feeling the success, your motivation to move on will be much higher.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! I hope you are interested in this technique, and you will begin to actively apply it in planning and self-development. To add efficiency and speedy achievements, try to make a wish map as well. You will find more information in the article “Instructions for creating an effective desire visualization board”. Good luck and accomplishments!

1 Comment

  1. Qande kundalikni boshqarish kerak

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