The lie of the exercises that promise to remove cartridge belts

The lie of the exercises that promise to remove cartridge belts


The most important thing would be to be able to set weekly micro goals that motivate us and make us progressively achieve our goal.

The lie of the exercises that promise to remove cartridge belts

Oh, how little we like to have fat stored in the thighs, buttocks and hips area! When this happens, and in most cases, we look for solutions to reduce the structure that we are acquiring and that reminds us of a violin, but the methods used are not always the correct ones.

Héctor Liebana, studio Manager at Orangetheory Fitness La Moraleja, says that he really there is no specific exercise that makes it possible to reduce the cartridge belts since the loss of volume in this area of ​​our body will never be a specific loss and, therefore, we cannot lose fat in a localized way: «There is no method yet that makes this effect occurs and always will be in a generalized way.

But do not panic, that there is no foolproof way to do this does not mean that there are no effective ways to reduce fat on the upper part of our thighs. For example, the first and most advisable thing is to carry out a first concrete evaluation of the situation in which we find ourselves, always in the hands of experts. What does it consist of? In look with a magnifying glass our physical state current to know if there is overweight, history of previous sports work, type of diet …

“From here it would be convenient to draw a goal we want to reach and establish a goal that is realistic but ambitious,” encourages the expert, so we must try not to generate ideas or thoughts in our head that are physiologically impossible or extreme. such as losing a lot of weight or fat in a short time.

Micro objectives

And, as with all goals in the fitness world, the smaller they are, the better. In the case of reducing our cartridge belts, the most important thing would be to be able to set weekly micro goals that motivate us and make us progressively achieve our goal. Héctor Liebana says that it is not about setting a set time, but rather about find a routine that is right to us and to be able to set a much healthier lifestyle for as long as possible: «These parameters, together with a work of strength and cardiovascular work, as well as a nutritional guideline established by a specialist, are the most important aspects for the achieving the goal of fat loss, loss of volume, and among others, reduce cartridge belts, “he concludes.

And what exercises would help us in our small goals?

1. Side plate. In this exercise we support ourselves on one of our feet and the elbow. Remember that the hips do not hang and that the feet are one on top of the other, or one in front of the other. Go up and down without supporting the gluteus. With this type of plank, you work the external and internal muscles of the abdomen, the gluteus maximus and the vastus external muscle are also involved.

2. Side leg raise squat. In this variant of the squat you have to maintain balance and work the outer muscles of the legs. The starting position is to place the legs apart, at a width greater than the shoulders and a straight back. To correctly practice this variation of the squat, Esther Pineda explains that it is important not to bend too much.

3. Lateral step. For this exercise you only have to do a lateral lunge and bring the opposite hand to the foot. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

4. Quadruped with side kick. In this exercise you can use resistance bands to make it more complicated. In quadruped position, bring your right leg to the right side as far as possible and return to the starting position. Then repeat with the other leg and so on.

In addition, you can consult this fitness routine of the Pin Twins to reduce cartridge belts.

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