
People are attractive to others in varying degrees. There are people who are unattractive, and there are people who seem to be saturated with magnetism.

Usually people are attracted by beauty, charm, leadership qualities, self-confidence, sense of humor, emotionality.

In addition, significant attractive features can be: Mind, education, optimism, diverse interests, high professionalism.

And this is not a complete list.

Fundamentals of attractiveness

It is convenient to single out three main points that are significant for others in terms of the attractiveness of a particular person:

  • «Sweetie“: it can be both a handsome and charismatic person. And maybe not beautiful, but very sexy. Mysterious or with a devil in his eyes. Warm and responsive. Feeling and understanding. A joker and a talented storyteller. Such a person is like candy, they want him, they are drawn to him.
  • Security: security is not only physical, but also psychological. The person around whom others feel safe is attractive. A confident person is more likely to inspire confidence in others. A caring and responsible person also gives birth to a sense of security next to him — that’s what makes him attractive.
  • Status: high position, power, formal leadership, stardom, popularity and fame. And these people are also drawn to.

By earning yourself at least one of these points, you can increase your level of attractiveness to others.

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