🙂 Greetings to regular and new readers! “The last request of the deceased” is a story from Soviet times. It took place in a provincial town N. The budget of local residents, as a rule, was limited. Therefore, along with vodka, one could often see moonshine.
It took place in the private sector. There was a funeral in one of the houses – the mother-in-law of the perpetrator of this story died. The woman was ill for a long time, so the relatives, preparing for the worst, prepared quite a lot of moonshine (a lot of relatives). After the funeral, there were fifteen liters left.
It should be noted that local authorities have long been fighting with moonshine, and the fines for this matter are large. Peter Andreevich (the owner of the house) decided to pour the remaining alcohol into three-liter cans and bury it in his garden. It is convenient and safe – if you suddenly need it, you can always get it, and out of harm’s way.
Peter buried the sealed moonshine under the cherry. But the envious neighbor saw this and reported it to the local police station. Fortunately, Pyotr Andreevich had an old friend working in that department. He warned an old comrade: tomorrow they will come with a search.
At dawn, while the neighbor was still asleep, Peter dug up jars of moonshine. An hour later, he moved the banks to reliable relatives living two streets away. Instead, he buried three jars of plain water under the cherries, after adding a weak solution of laundry soap there.
The request of the deceased
In the morning of the same day, there was a knock at the door. Two policemen were standing on the threshold. One of them asked the owner of the house if he had a shovel by chance? Then all three went to the vegetable garden, where there were already two attesting witnesses – local alcoholics.
The police captain showed Pyotr Andreyevich a document, explaining that it was a search warrant. Then he handed the shovel to one of the attesting witnesses and ordered him to dig under the cherry.
Soon, three cans of “illegal alcohol” were brought out. One of the police officers asked the owner for four glasses. Peter silently complied with the request.
Having filled the glasses with the contents of the can, the policeman grinned and offered his colleague and attesting witnesses a drink to the owner’s health. The company agreed with pleasure. They knocked over the glasses in one gulp, all four stared at each other in surprise. Their faces showed complete bewilderment.
The captain looked inquiringly at the owner, but he calmly replied that there was water in the cans.
The policeman demanded an explanation: why was it necessary to bury ordinary water in the garden? Peter calmly replied that the mother-in-law, they say, was very superstitious. Her last request before she died was as follows.
She punished: the water with which they would wash her was buried in the ground and kept there for forty days. Then, they say, her soul will say goodbye to this sinful land and then the water can be poured out.
As the story progressed, the faces of the drinkers began to acquire a greenish tint. Seconds later, all four, elbowing each other apart, surrounded the village toilet located behind the house. Then they watered the surrounding landscape with the contents of their stomachs for a long time.
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