The largest varieties of strawberries 

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries in the garden. Large-fruited strawberry varieties are especially in demand, which are suitable for cultivation in various regions. Large berries are sold, homemade or frozen.

The taste of the fruit depends on the weather conditions and the illumination of plantings by the sun. If you need to choose which strawberry variety is the sweetest, then you should pay attention to the dessert varieties: Elvira, Eldorado, Carmen, Primella, Chamora Turusi, Roxana.

Early-ripening varieties

Early varieties of strawberries make it possible to harvest the first harvest at the end of May. For this, plants require regular care and feeding. To speed up the ripening of fruits, plants are placed under covering material.

The largest varieties of strawberries 


Variety Mashenka became widespread more than 50 years ago. The plant forms a fairly compact bush with powerful leaves, root system, high flower stalks.

The first fruits reach a weight of 100 g, then smaller ones weighing from 40 g appear. The berries are distinguished by a comb-shaped shape and bright red color. The pulp is juicy, high density, sweet and sour taste.

Masha is not susceptible to gray rot, however, if left untreated, she suffers from powdery mildew and other diseases.

Among the large-fruited strawberries, Masha is the most unpretentious and easy to care for. For its landing, a flat area is selected on the western or southwestern side.

Harvest of strawberries Masha can be seen in the photo.

The largest varieties of strawberries 


The Alba variety is bred in Italy and has an early ripening period. Bushes grow quite powerful, with a small number of leaves. Often the flower stalks do not support the weight of the fruit, so they fall to the ground.

The average size of Alba berries is from 30 to 50 g, their shape is conical, and the flavor is sweet and sour. Fruit size remains large throughout the harvest period. One bush brings 1 kg of fruits that are suitable for storage and transportation.

Strawberries are resistant to drought and winter frosts. Alba is not very susceptible to powdery mildew, however, it requires additional protection against anthracnose.

Giant gornay

Giant Jorney got its name due to large fruits reaching 70 g. The variety is characterized by early ripening.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

The average weight of strawberries is 40 g, it has a rounded shape resembling a cone. A feature of the variety is a pronounced strawberry aroma.

One bush of Giant Jorney gives up to 1,5 kg of yield. The plant grows spreading with large dark leaves. In one place, strawberries grow no more than 4 years.

The plant is disease resistant. In winter, it withstands temperatures down to -18°C. For long-term fruiting, Giant Jorney requires regular watering.


The large-fruited strawberry Elvira belongs to the early varieties, and prefers loamy soils. The yield of the variety is up to 1 kg. For planting, well-lit places are needed, moderate windiness is allowed.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

The weight of the berries is 60 g, their shape is round, and the taste is pronounced sweet. The dense structure of the pulp contributes to the long-term storage of strawberries.

A feature of the variety is resistance to diseases of the root system. Elvira is grown in greenhouses, however, it tolerates conditions with high humidity and a temperature of 18 – 23 ° C.

Kiss Nellis

Kiss Nellis is a representative of the early strawberry. The plant is distinguished by a powerful bush with a large number of leaves. Strawberries produce powerful flower stalks that are located under the leaves.

Kiss Nellis is considered a giant, its berries reach a weight of more than 100 g, and the average weight remains equal to 50-60 g.

Berries have the shape of a truncated cone, mostly dark red. The pulp is distinguished by a sweet taste with a pronounced aroma. With good care, strawberries yield up to 1,5 kg.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

Kiss Nellis is resistant to low winter temperatures, so it does not require additional shelter. The variety is less susceptible to pests and diseases. It has been growing in one place for 8 years.


Eliane is a self-pollinating plant and produces a crop in the last decade of May. The berries ripen at the same time, and have a weight of up to 90 g.

The fruits are distinguished by a conical shape, dense pulp, have a sweet taste with a strawberry aroma. The yield of each plant reaches 2 kg.

Eliane prefers sandy loamy soils. The plant is highly winter hardy, not susceptible to powdery mildew and other diseases.

Medium-ripening varieties

Strawberries of medium ripening are harvested in June. This includes most of the largest and sweet varieties obtained by domestic and foreign specialists.

The largest varieties of strawberries 


Strawberry Lord was brought from Great Britain more than thirty years ago. The variety is medium-late, well tolerated even by severe frosts. The height of the bush reaches 60 cm, and the leaves grow large and shiny.

Fruits are formed weighing from 70 to 110 g, have a rich color and sweet and sour taste. For the season, the Lord’s yield reaches 1,5 kg.

Strawberries grow in one place for 10 years. Fruiting begins at the end of June, lasts until mid-July. The bush grows quickly, gives a lot of whiskers.

For planting choose the southwestern areas. With a good harvest, the flower stalks fall to the ground, so it is recommended to mulch the soil with straw.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

Gigantella Maxi

Gigantella is a mid-late strawberry that ripens in early July. With quality care, 1 kg of crop is obtained from one bush.

The weight of the first berries is large and reaches 100 g. As they ripen further, their size decreases, and the weight is 60 g.

Fruits are distinguished by bright color, dense pulp. Gigantella has a sweet taste and strawberry aroma. Its taste qualities are preserved even with prolonged freezing.

Gigantella grows in one place up to 4 years, after which it requires a transplant. The plant prefers loamy soils, where humus is additionally added.

The largest varieties of strawberries 


The large-fruited variety Marshall was obtained in America, however, it has become widespread on other continents. Strawberries are characterized by medium early ripening and long fruiting.

One bush gives up to 0,9 kg of crop. The maximum yield is observed during the first seasons after planting, after which it consistently decreases.

Strawberry Marshall reaches a weight of 90 g, has a sweet taste with a slight sourness. The variety is not recommended for transportation due to the pulp of medium density.

The plant withstands winter frosts down to -30°C, however, it tolerates drought well. Strawberries are resistant to fungal infections.


The Eldorado variety was bred in America and is notable for its large fruits. The plant forms a powerful shrub with dense green foliage. Flower stalks are located under the leaves.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

The berries are distinguished by their rich red color and large size (up to 6 cm in length). The pulp is sweet, with a high sugar content, fragrant and quite dense. Strawberries Eldorado is suitable for freezing, and is considered a dessert variety according to its characteristics.

The maturation of Eldorado is medium. The plant tolerates temperature changes well. Strawberries are resistant to gray mold and other diseases. Each bush brings up to 1,5 kg.


Strawberry Carmen comes from the Czech Republic. This is a mid-late productive variety with large berries. The plant forms a bush with dense foliage and powerful peduncles. The yield per season is up to 1 kg.

Fruit weight averages 40 g. Carmen is valued for its taste properties. The berries are distinguished by increased sweetness with a taste of wild strawberries, and have a blunt-conical shape.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

Winterhardiness Carmen remains at medium damage, so the plant requires shelter for the winter. Carmen is not very susceptible to diseases.


Primella is a Dutch variety that ripens in mid-summer. Differs in large berries weighing up to 70 g.

Strawberries produce red, unevenly colored fruits in the shape of a rounded cone. Primella has a sweet taste, according to the description of many gardeners, notes of pineapple are felt. Ripening of fruits is extended for several weeks.

The bush is formed powerful and sprawling. In one place grows 5-7 years. Primella is resistant to diseases, does not require special care, grows in various types of soil.

Kamrad Winner

Strawberry varieties Kamrad Winner from Germany has an average ripening time. Fruiting occurs even with a short light day. The plant is quite tall and spreading.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

Kamrad Winner gives berries weighing up to 100 g. The average weight is 40 g. The variety is dessert, with delicate aromatic pulp.

In the first year, the yield is not the highest, but the next year the yield increases significantly. In one place it bears fruit up to 5 years.

Kamrad Winner is undemanding to external conditions, tolerates drought and low temperatures well.


Tsunami was obtained by Japanese scientists as a result of selection. This is a powerful shrub that stands out with thick peduncles and large leaves.

The berries of the first harvest have a weight of 100-120 g. The shape of the fruit is comb-shaped, while the pulp has a delicate taste and nutmeg aroma. The variety belongs to dessert, especially valued for its taste properties.

Tsunami is resistant to frost, dry weather, and is often chosen for cultivation in northern areas.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

Late-ripening varieties

Late large varieties of strawberries actively fruiting in late July. During this period, the plants receive the necessary amount of heat and sun, so they give sweet berries.

Chamora Turusi

Chamora Turusi stands out for its good yield and large fruits. The maximum weight of berries is 80-110 g, for the entire period of fruiting their average weight remains at the level of 50-70 g.

The fruits are dark in color and round in shape with a pronounced crest. They taste sweet, sugary, have a strong aroma. In the last stages of harvesting, the taste of strawberries intensifies.

Each bush produces up to 1,2 kg of fruit per season. The harvest period lasts 2 months. Strawberries require careful watering to produce large berries. In hot climates, plants are planted in partial shade.

The largest varieties of strawberries 


Great Britain is a mid-late variety that stands out for its high yield. Its origin is unknown, however, this does not prevent the spread of strawberries in garden plots.

The berries have a rounded conical shape and weight up to 120 g. The average weight of fruits reaches 40 g, they are formed even, large, with a sweet and sour taste.

The yield of the variety is up to 2 kg per plant. Great Britain is resistant to spring frosts, little susceptible to disease. The fruits are suitable for transportation, do not crumple, and are stored for a long time.


The Roxana variety is bred in Italy and is characterized by medium-late ripening. The fruits have a weight of 80-110 g, have a dessert taste, have a pleasant aroma.

The largest varieties of strawberries 

The bushes are quite compact, have a powerful rhizome and many leaves. The berries ripen at the same time and acquire a bitter taste even at low temperatures and low light. Roxana is used for growing in the autumn.

The yield of each plant is 1,2 kg. Roxana tolerates winter frosts from -20°C. Strawberries are subject to long-term storage and transportation.


The best varieties of strawberries allow you to get berries weighing from 50 g. The largest fruits are removed first, the size of subsequent berries decreases. For planting, you can choose strawberries of early, medium or late ripening. Most of them require minimal care and are disease resistant.

Strawberry variety Asia

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