The largest varieties of pepper

Growing sweet peppers, gardeners gradually choose the most suitable species for themselves. Many of them appreciate varieties and hybrids of large-fruited peppers.

The largest varieties of pepper

They attract vegetable growers not only with their size, originality, bright color and taste. After all, each pepper can be safely called a source of a large amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Another huge plus is the low calorie content. Therefore, having grown large-fruited peppers, we get all these useful qualities in a large size.

Varieties of sweet and large peppers are more suitable for culinary use. Stuffing them is not very convenient, but salads, lecho, cutting are of excellent quality. When canning, large-fruited peppers have to be cut, but this does not reduce their properties. In addition, all useful components are almost not destroyed during heat treatment. The main valuable advantage of large peppers is the thick wall of the fruit. In some varieties, the thickness of the pericarp reaches 1 cm. This means that the grown pepper will be juicy and fleshy, with a large number of useful elements.

Attention! When choosing the desired variety, it should be borne in mind that the thickest walls are medium-early and medium-late large-fruited peppers.

They are distinguished by good keeping quality, resistance to diseases, better tolerate adverse climatic conditions and minor violations of agricultural cultivation. Although, many early varieties will also delight with their amazing taste and juiciness.

Growing Giant Peppers

Some gardeners get large fruits from the most common varieties of pepper.

The largest varieties of pepper

And sometimes, the seeds of the largest varieties are not happy with the result. What needs to be done in order to be guaranteed to get giant fruits? The main requirements will be:

  1. The right choice of variety. This includes the need to take into account climatic features. Pepper loves heat, so in regions with a cool climate, it is better to grow large fruits in greenhouses or under film shelters. This also applies to lighting. Pepper varieties for open ground are more hardy and resistant. There are species that feel great when planted in any type of soil. Based on this, carefully study the advice of experts on growing a certain type of large peppers. Modern breeders every year offer new names of large-fruited peppers that can produce a high yield with normal care.
  2. Competent implementation of agrotechnical recommendations. Peppers love watering. It is enough to fill the beds well once a week so as to wet the soil by 60 cm. During the period of dry winds, add refreshing watering and the next day be sure to loosen the ground. Then mulch the holes with straw and try to keep the feeding schedule. You also need to consider that large-fruited hybrids are very demanding on the irrigation schedule. If varietal large peppers tolerate irregularity, then you need to be more careful with hybrids. Otherwise, the peppers will be large, but there will be very few of them on the bush.

If you follow the rules, you can be sure that the pepper will reach its maximum size. Some names differ in the mass of peppers up to 850 g. Although fruits over 180 g are considered large, some lovers strive to get huge peppers. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the representatives of large-fruited peppers closer.

Giants for greenhouses

This group includes varieties of sweet peppers, characterized by a long period of fruiting. Thus, planted in a heated greenhouse, they are able to produce very high yields. For unheated greenhouses and greenhouses, early ripening tall varieties of large-fruited peppers are more suitable.

“Bourgeoi F1”

The largest varieties of pepper

Hybrid with early maturity. In technical ripeness (after 115 days), the pepper has a dark green color, in biological (after 140 days) it is yellow. The plant is quite tall, especially if grown in heated greenhouses. In this case, the height of the bush reaches 3 m, and growth slows down in the spring greenhouse. An adult plant will not be higher than 2 m. Peppers resemble the shape of a cube, heavy, smooth and dense. The mass of one varies from 200 to 250 g. The walls are thick, juicy and fleshy. The hybrid has distinctive features:

  • withstands a high load of fruits per bush (up to 40 pcs.);
  • remontability of shoots is quite good;
  • disease resistance is high;
  • taste and aroma of fruits of excellent quality.

The plant requires shaping and garters. Planting density is allowed no more than 3 bushes per 1 sq.m.


The largest varieties of pepper

One of the mid-early varieties with high yields. Green peppers are ready for consumption 125 days after the emergence of full shoots, and after another month they reach the stage of their biological ripeness. The bush grows up to 3 m in heated greenhouses and up to 1,8 m in greenhouses. The plant is tall, powerful, densely leafy. Requires to withstand the landing density. For continuous fruiting, it is necessary that per 1 sq. m of soil grew no more than 3 plants. Peppers give a large cube-shaped fruit with a wall thickness of about 8 mm. Productivity is high, from 16 to 19 kg per sq. m area. Peculiarities:

  • resistance to tobacco mosaic virus;
  • excellent taste and aroma;
  • long fruiting;
  • unpretentiousness.

Large-fruited “Boatswain” during the growing season changes color from dark green to rich red. On the dinner table, this large red pepper is reminiscent of summer even on cold autumn days.

“Grenadier F1”

The largest varieties of pepper

Mid-season hybrid variety. The yield is very high, biologically ripe large peppers are harvested after 160 days. The bushes are powerful, tall (2,8 m and 1,6 m), dense, requiring formation. A hybrid is planted with a density of no more than 3 plants per 1 sq.m. Peppers grow in an attractive shape – a prism with a spout. They reach a mass of about 650 g, the thickness of the pericarp is a record – 1 cm. The advantages of the variety are a stable yield, good transportability and keeping quality. Blooms early. The fruits are very attractive and juicy, the spectacular appearance of which makes the cultivation of the hybrid aesthetically pleasing.

Large-fruited peppers of universal cultivation

Such varieties are suitable for greenhouses, open ground, greenhouses. Very convenient species because with the right transplant, you can significantly extend the fruiting time. The best varieties are familiar to many vegetable growers, but their number is growing all the time. Breeders are trying to provide gardeners with large-fruited peppers in regions with any temperature regime.

“Claudio F1”

The largest varieties of pepper

Grows well in any soil. On one bush, more than a dozen large-fruited peppers with excellent taste grow at the same time. The mass of one is about 260 g already 70 days after landing at a permanent place of residence. Elongated-cubic fruits of dark red color, showy and tasty. The plant forms a bush very powerful, upright, with good protection of fruits from sunlight. Although, a feature of the hybrid is the excellent resistance of the fruit:

  • to sunburn;
  • viral diseases;
  • stressful external conditions.

Mature peppers tolerate transportation and storage well, retain their taste and nutritional qualities for a long time. The wall thickness is more than 1 cm, which is not so common even in large-fruited varieties. According to the observations of gardeners, biological ripeness occurs later than indicated in the description of the variety. This may be due to lower temperatures than recommended for the Dutch hybrid. But the germination of seeds is always 100% and the size of the fruit exactly matches the parameters of the variety. The only condition for a high yield is watering and warmth.

«Quadro Red»

The largest varieties of pepper

The variety was bred by Siberian breeders. Large cube-shaped fruits weighing over 350 g grow well both in greenhouses and in the open. The variety is early, with abundant fruiting, which pleases gardeners with a stable harvest. The bush is low, only 60 cm, but strong and stocky. Up to 15 large-fruited peppers coexist calmly on one plant. They have a four-chamber structure, a cubic shape and a beautiful bright red color. What else pleases vegetable growers – good resistance to diseases and a stable yield of up to 3 kg per 1 sq.m. To increase the number of ovaries, it is necessary to pick ripe fruits in time, maintain regular watering and carry out several top dressings per season. Grown in seedlings, the seeds are not soaked.

«Gemini F1»

The largest varieties of pepper

An early hybrid variety of large-fruited peppers. On one bush withstands many fruits. At the same time, more than 10 “golden” peppercorns weighing about 400g each are sung. For full maturation, they need 75 days. The advantages of the hybrid that the Dutch breeders provided him with are impressive:

  • will provide high productivity even in stressful growing conditions;
  • has a universal purpose (open ground, greenhouse);
  • high ability to set fruits;
  • effective form of fruits with a thick wall;
  • not susceptible to viral diseases.

Grow hybrid large-fruited pepper seedlings. In warm regions, lunar days are chosen for sowing as early as mid-February. Additional processing and disinfection of seeds is not carried out. This was taken care of by Dutch professionals. Seedlings tolerate a lack of light well, but can stretch with a strong lack of it. The hybrid does not like watering disturbances. Plants should not be flooded, but should not be overdried either. Warm regular watering is the most necessary condition. The bush grows very compactly, 60 cm high. Large-fruited peppers are planted according to a planting pattern of 50×60 cm with row spacing of 40 cm. Seedlings with 5-6 leaves are planted in open ground after the threat of night frosts has passed. Responds well to feeding. If it is impossible to fertilize with mineral compounds, use organic matter. The harvest, which is harvested in early August, can already be stored.

“King Kong”

The largest varieties of pepper

A hybrid variety from American breeders. It ripens in medium early terms, after 90 days you can feast on the first large peppers. Features of the variety, which are bred by experienced specialists, are:

  • high stable yield;
  • fleshiness and juiciness of fruits;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • high commodity characteristics;
  • disease resistance.

On a compact standard bush 70 cm high, cuboid fruits are tied. The largest peppers of the King Kong variety reach a mass of 600 g. The pepper has a beautiful dark red saturated color, a thick wall (9 mm). The length of one reaches 18 cm. It is grown in open and closed ground. The scheme of sowing seeds for seedlings 40×40, planting depth 2 cm for any soil, it is recommended not to thicken the planting, therefore the optimal number of bushes per 1 sq. m – 4 plants. A distinctive feature of this variety is that broken shoots grow back quickly.


Among the popular varieties and hybrids of large-fruited peppers, it is worth mentioning such as “California Miracle”, “Ermak”, “Peto Miracle”, “Nobleman”, “Atlantic” and others. Do not be afraid to grow large-fruited peppers. They are not as whimsical as it might seem at first glance. The cultivation technique is described in detail on the seed packaging, there are excellent videos and photographs of experienced gardeners. In any case, your own experience is also very important.

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